'Journey' program involves senses in Passion, Easter accounts

By Linda C. Hoops How much more would the events of the week leading up…

St. Louis sem hosts outreach conference

“Reaching Out Together” — a conference for pastors, evangelism boards, church leaders, and laypeople —…

Neuhaus dies of cancer

Funeral services were held Jan. 13 in New York for Rev. Richard John Neuhaus, a…

Alliance to hold first conference

The National Lutheran Alliance will hold its first national conference titled “Faith and Freedom” March…

Order resources for Lutheran Schools Week

Lutheran schools and their sponsoring congregations may order a variety of resources from LCMS District…

Get 'March for Life' news, resources online

Even if you can’t travel to Washington, D.C., for the “March for Life” on Jan.…

Kieschnick issues statement on inauguration

LCMS President Gerald B. Kieschnick on Jan. 16 issued the statement which follows, sharing his…

LWML convention registration opens

Registration opens March 2 for the 33rd Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League…

Sudan church leader dies

Rev. Andrew Mbugo Elisa, bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sudan (ELCS) — an…

Order resources for Lutheran Schools Week

Lutheran schools and their sponsoring congregations may order a variety of resources from LCMS District…

LHM Sunday set for Feb. 22

Lutheran Hour Ministries has designated Feb. 22 for a special Sunday to emphasize its mission…

Seminary offers men's retreat

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, will hold a men’s retreat titled “Real Men Follow Jesus”…

All LCMS districts to convene this year

All 35 LCMS districts hold their triennial conventions this year — starting with North Dakota’s,…

CTCR working to share documents, resources

With the input of a small group of scientists, pastors, teachers, and church workers, the…

Hempelmann directs ‘What A Way’ initiative

Dr. L. Dean Hempelmann — who was instrumental in forming the What a Way initiative…

Wheat Ridge announces $237,000-plus in grants

Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., announced that it is awarding more than $237,000 in…