Congregations report membership declines, rising contributions

By Joe Isenhower Jr. From statistical reports for 2007 filed by two-thirds of the 6,075…

Notice of Nondiscrimination

The colleges, universities, and seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod admit students of any race,…

Requests for Recognized Service Organization Status

The following independent service organizations are currently applying or reapplying for Recognized Service Organization status…

Requests for Reinstatement (October)

JAMES K. STALDER, Galena, Ohio, has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster…

Call for Nominations: Regional Director, Africa

The Board for Mission Services (BFMS) is seeking nominations for regional director deployed to Africa. …

Positions (October)

The LCMS Northwest District and several Northwestern synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America…

Items wanted, available (October)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Pressure Points (October)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: Help!  Our congregation’s board [on which I serve] is going…

COP approves 292 worker placements

Placements of 292 church workers — both ordained and commissioned ministers — were approved by the LCMS…

Statement reconciles circuit delegate exceptions concerns

By Roland Lovstad Expressing hopes for “a growing spirit of reconciliation, peace, and harmony in…

New IRS regulations require response

Concordia Plan Services (CPS) is offering resources to help LCMS congregations, schools, and other church…

Missions, World Relief give $15,000 to Haiti

LCMS World Mission and LCMS World Relief and Human Care have given emergency grants of…

Joint Statement to the Council of Presidents (Part 1)

Joint Statement to the Council of PresidentsCommittee of Five + Committee of Four + The…

Joint Statement to the Council of Presidents (Part 2)

Appendix REPORT CONVENTION DELEGATE REVIEW COMMITTEEAppointed by the President of the Synod May 14, 2007…

Seminary chorus plans Advent Tour

The Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Chorus is planning five performances in December during this year’s…

'Points of blessings' follow Ike's destruction

By Kim Plummer Krull As hurricane-weary Houstonians continue to clear debris, repair their homes, and…