Positions (June)

The following institutions of the Concordia University System (CUS) are seeking candidates for positions described…

Calls for Nominations (July)

LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) seeks nominations for an associate executive director. …

Requests for Reinstatement (June)

JOHN R. ASHCRAFT III, Collinsville, Ill.; CARLA J. FAGA, St. Charles, Ill.; GRETCHEN HUESMANN, Grafton,…

Pressure Points (June)

By Dr. Bruce Hartung For this month’s column, I offer two readers’ responses from several…

Kieschnick urges prayers for disaster victims, caregivers

Addressing those affected by the tornadoes, Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick issued a…

LCMS mission society files First Amendment lawsuit

The Apple of His Eye, a St. Louis-based LCMS mission society, and two of its…

Lehenbauer accepts call to head CTCR

Dr. Joel D. Lehenbauer of Union, Mo., has accepted the call to become executive director…

AALC/LCMS Commission sets operating agreement

The commission on fellowship between The Association of American Lutheran Churches (AALC) and The Lutheran…

Lutheran aid 'getting through' in Myanmar

Through Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, and its overseas partner Action by Churches Together (ACT)…

Institute trains missionaries to reach Hispanic immigrants

By Roland Lovstad Theological training with a mission emphasis is the thrust of the Lutheran…

Tax code prohibits churches from campaigning

Karen Sansone, director of the Tax and Compliance section of the Synod’s Accounting Department, reminds…

LWR seeks Thrivent members to build homes in India

Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, is seeking members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and other…

Hymn writer Jaroslav Vajda dies

Dr. Jaroslav (Jary) Jan Vajda — a retired LCMS pastor, author, and editor who was known…

Johnson accepts call to Commission on Worship

Rev. David A. Johnson of St. Louis has accepted the call to serve as executive…

LCMS helps churches, school hit by 'Mother's Day' tornadoes

LCMS World Relief and Human Care awarded initial emergency grants to two Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod…

Sem offers DVD course on Lutheran music

The Good Shepherd Institute of Pastoral Theology and Sacred Music at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort…