See photographs from the Antsirabe blind school on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2014, in Madagascar. LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison visited the school, which was the recipient of an LCMS emergency grant after the Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, LCMS Director of Church Relations, learned that the children were malnourished due to budget cuts from European partners when he toured the school last October.

President Harrison visits Madagascar
See photographs of LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison as he visits a Lutheran church near Antsirabe, Madagascar, on Feb. 5, 2014. Harrison addressed the opening of the Fiangonana Loterana Malagasy synodical convention.

Seminary dedication in Ghana
See photographs from the dedication of the Lutheran Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana on Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, in Greater Accra, Ghana. LCMS President Rev. Dr . Matthew C. Harrison and ELGC Bishop Paul Fynn lead the ceremony. Photographs by Erik M. Lunsford, staff photojournalist in LCMS Communications.

Feast of the Purification of Mary
Pastors, this is one of the feasts that (sadly!) tends to be mostly observed only when it falls on Sunday, as it does this year. That means that many are tempted to speak the unfamiliar Proper Preface. If you’d like a little practice learning to sing it, listen here to Pr. Sean Daenzer as he sings it for you.

Touring the Old Latin School in Wittenberg, Germany
Members of the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg meet at the Luther Hotel in Wittenberg, Germany, tour the reconstruction work at the Old Latin School in the city center, and visit the Luther House. Photographs by Erik M. Lunford, staff photojournalist at the LCMS.

Lutherans Walk for Life in San Francisco
LCMS Life Ministries stands up for life in the Walk for Life West Coast on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014, in San Francisco.

LCMS Life Ministries participates in Walk for Life West Coast
LCMS Life Ministries will participate in the Walk for Life West Coast on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014, in San Francisco.

LCMS Life Ministries reaches end of frigid 2014 March for Life
Dozens of Lutherans join LCMS Life Ministries in standing up for life Jan. 22, 2014, at the 2014 March for Life, reaching the event’s ending point, the U.S. Supreme Court, where justices 41 years ago made abortion legal in Roe v. Wade.

LCMS Life Ministries braves the cold for March for Life
It was bitterly cold in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22, 2014, the 41st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, but the frigid temperatures didn’t stop dozens of LCMS Lutherans from participating in the annual March for Life.

‘Hope’ reason for March for Life
The Rev. Christopher Esget told those attending the pre-March for Life LCMS Divine Service of worship on Jan. 22, 2014, that “hope” was the reason Lutherans participate in the annual march that marks the court decision legalizing abortion.

Lutheran students take bus to March for Life
Dozens of Lutheran students ride buses from Muncie, Ind., to Washington, D.C., to stand up for the sanctity of life at the 41st March for Life.

‘National Lutheran Schools Week’ resources available
A poster, bulletin insert and resource manual are designed to help LCMS schools celebrate the Jan. 26–Feb. 1 observance.

CPH offers free Resource Catalog
The 187-page catalog features hundreds of items, including books, Bibles, church software, educational materials, hymnals and hymn recordings, church supplies and worship resources.

Karner and Tobias discuss the sanctity of life
Maggie Karner, director LCMS Life and Health Ministries, and Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, talk to KFUO about the sanctity of life and the 2014 March for Life.

Maggie Karner discusses need for Mercy Medical Team volunteers
Maggie Karner, Director of the LCMS Life and Health Ministries, talks about the need for volunteers for the Mercy Medical Teams in 2014. She discusses service opportunities for medical professionals and laity overseas in this program. The geographical areas of service and how the program assists LCMS missionaries and partner churches on the field were also explained.