LCMS Life Ministry was invited to participate in the first Celebrate Life Weekend, held in June to mark the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.
Church and Culture
Lutherans meet in D.C. to discuss church and state
The event was sponsored by the LCMS Office of the President and Lutheran Church Extension Fund.
What is a Lutheran?
The doctrine of justification, on which the church stands or falls, is what it means to be Lutheran.
‘Making Disciples for Life’: Staying awake in a world asleep
The Making Disciples for Life fall conference took place Oct. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
Resurrection courage: Ours in Christ
A message from the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison. president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
‘Let Us Keep Awake’ theme of MDFL Fall Conference
The Making Disciples for Life (MDFL) Fall Conference is set for Oct. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
Church and culture: A call to repentance
Much of what we see today in society results from philosophies and teachings that elevate humanity and thereby eliminate God and His Law.
MDFL conference points to solid rock of Jesus
The conference, titled “The Rock in Shifting Sands,” was held Jan. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
Two convention resolutions now available in Spanish
Two resolutions from the 2019 LCMS convention — Res. 11–04A (“To Affirm the Common Humanity of All People and Ethnicities”) and Res. 11–05A (“To Encourage Responsible Citizenship and Compassion Toward Neighbors Who Are Immigrants Among Us”) — are available in both English and Spanish. See both versions below.