Disaster Response

Audio: Listen to presentations from the 2014 International Disaster Response Conference

Audio presentations from our 2014 International Disaster Response Conference at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

Watch videos about LCMS Disaster Response efforts

The LCMS website has a video library with the latest videos and interviews about LCMS Disaster Response.

Missouri District plans short-, long-term work in Ferguson

A $25,000 grant from the Synod’s Office of National Mission will be used by leaders of five LCMS congregations to bring hope and healing to the community.

Pastors visit Ferguson to bring peace, offer solutions

The six pastors and a vicar — four white, three black — visit Ferguson, Mo., to help bring calm after the grand jury announcement.

LCMS disaster-relief funds can cover insurance ‘gaps’

When disaster strikes — delivering a devastating financial blow to an already-struggling congregation or school — LCMS Disaster Response is available to help in whatever ways it can.

Mercy center opens in high-crime area of New York

The new “Hope and a Prayer Center by the Sea” provides pastoral care, counseling, after-school programs, literacy training and food programs to a hurting community in the name of Christ.

Synod pastors offer prayers, resources after Washington high-school shooting

Messiah Lutheran Church, Marysville, Wash., holds a “Service of Word and Prayer” in the wake of the Oct. 24 shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School.

Engfehr receives Red Cross award

The Rev. Bill Engfehr, an LCMS emergency-services chaplain in Collinsville, Ill., receives the Red Cross Community Preparedness and Resiliency Award.

International representatives spiritually prepare for disaster

The LCMS International Disaster Response Conference involves 170 pastors and lay leaders from five continents.

LCMS Disaster Response provides lifelines year-round

In addition to large grants to help after headline-making disasters, LCMS Disaster Response also provides smaller grants to assist congregations and individuals.

Photo gallery: St. Paul in Hamel, Ill., rededicates after fire

The Rev. Benjamin Ball leads a Divine Service of Rededication at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, Ill., on Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014. It was the first time the congregation worshiped in the sanctuary since a fire damaged the building in November 2013. Photographs by Erik M. Lunsford, staff photojournalist in LCMS Communications.

LCMS responders ready to assist after 6.0 quake

The Synod awaits damage assessments from a Napa, Calif., church following the Aug. 24 earthquake. Among damages are the organ, which is now unusable.

Newlyweds share ‘terror’ of Ferguson riots; Synod responds with prayer, presence

Amid the racially charged protests in Ferguson, Mo., Lutherans are doing what they can to bring peace.

Contest starts for disaster-response hymn

Hymn-text entries should be suitable for use by congregations hit by disasters and for others remembering or empathizing with them.

Announcing: LCMS Disaster Response Hymn Contest

LCMS Disaster Response is seeking a hymn for the church in times of disaster. For more details please download the contest flyer.

LCMS OKs new grants to fight Ebola in Africa

The three grants totaling $51,175 will be used to help prevent new cases of the often-fatal virus in Guinea and Liberia.