Matthew Harrison

Michigan District and LCMS boards of directors meet

The conversation centered around the situation regarding Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor. Both boards are grateful for the conversation and fellowship and pray that the Lord comfort the grieving and guide the church to a united and faithful response.

LCMS President Harrison letter about U.S. immigration and Lutheran organizations

Some facts and reflections about the confusing and complex situation surrounding Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services and LCMS Recognized Service Organizations.

LCMS President Harrison encourages Christians to vote

Christians should take up the privilege and opportunity to vote in accord with God’s Word.

Christian hope in a hopeless world

Jesus says to us, when the world seems to be coming apart, don’t lose hope but trust in Me.

Rajek installed as OIM executive director

Rajek previously served as director of the LCMS Eurasia region.

‘Holding fast to the Word’: Bruss installed as CTSFW president

The Rev. Dr. Jon S. Bruss succeeds the Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr., who recently retired as CTSFW president.

CUS Board of Directors sends letter to CTX president

The letter is a response to actions taken by Concordia University Texas.

Statement from LCMS Board of Directors on CTX selection of president

The LCMS Board of Directors releases a statement on the selection of a president by Concordia University Texas.

Harrison letter to CUWAA Board of Regents

A pastoral letter from the LCMS president to the Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor Board of Regents.

Saving souls: Christ’s work, not ours

If a year from now we discovered that all our supposed best practices were completely wrong, it would not change the number of God’s elect by a single one.

Held fast by God’s Word: A resolution for 2024

A New Year column from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.

Synod seeks reversal of CTX governance change

On Sept. 1, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) filed a complaint against Concordia University Texas, Austin, Texas.

Synod officers to be installed in St. Louis

The service of installation will take place in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, on Sept. 15 at 7 p.m.

CTX Board of Regents declines to seat new members

On Aug. 9, Concordia University Texas (CTX), Austin, Texas, President Dr. Donald Christian notified the LCMS Board of Directors that the CTX regents elected by the Synod convention would not be seated.

LCMS BOD seeks meeting with CTX BOR

In keeping with the spirit of 2023 Resolution 7-03, the LCMS Board of Directors has reached out to the Concordia University Texas Board of Regents to request a meeting later this month.