The $750,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. is funded through Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative.
Serving in all seasons
Two seasoned LCMS Lutherans are demonstrating that the Lord’s call to serve one’s neighbor never ends.
Singing the Bible’s hymnal: Worship institute spotlights psalter
Registration is now open for the 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.
LCMS Worker Wellness unveils online devotions for church workers
The devotions, which will be released weekly, are part of the Synod’s ongoing focus on worker wellness.
Concordia, Texas, campus unites as administrator’s son fights life-threatening illness
Owen Coulter, age 5, was released from the hospital on Feb. 7 following a “miracle” recovery from his 56-day ordeal with a viral illness.
New resource encourages pastors in personal prayer
“The Pastor’s Life of Prayer” is the newest resource from Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support, or PALS.
Lutheran Prayer Companion offers prayers for ‘almost any situation’
The new book, released by Concordia Publishing House, is the first English translation of a German prayer book from the 1800s.
‘Thank, Praise, Serve, and Obey’: new book on the Christian life from CPH
Author Rev. William Weedon is LCMS director of worship and International Center chaplain.
CPH releases ‘On-the-Go Prayers’ for busy families
The one-minute prayers are designed to help families “make prayer part of [their] daily routine,” according to Concordia Publishing House.
Bible study, video complement Luther’s prayer guide
A free, two-part Bible study and video on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray” are now available for free download.
Third ‘PRAY’ event set for mid-April
“PRAY2013” — a synodwide event designed to bring LCMS Lutherans together to pray for a variety of topics — is planned for April 18-19 in St. Louis.