Wille re-elected in South Wisconsin

The Rev. Dr. John C. Wille of West Bend, Wis., was elected to his third term as president of the Synod’s South Wisconsin District at the district’s 53rd convention, June 10-12 in Mequon, Wis. Also re-elected were: the Rev. David B.…

North Wisconsin delegates elect Lueck to presidency

The Rev. Dwayne Lueck of Wausau, Wis., is the new president of the LCMS North Wisconsin District.  Delegates to the district’s 50th convention, meeting June 10-11 in Rothschild, Wis., on the third presidential ballot elected Lueck — who served the…

Religious leaders ask HHS to broaden birth-control exemption

(RNS) — A coalition of nearly 150 religious leaders, led by conservative Protestants, have petitioned the Obama administration to broaden the exemption that allows churches and some religious organizations to avoid a controversial new mandate that all health care insurers…

Evangelicals press Congress on immigration

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Evangelical activists are pressing Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration reform plan — a tricky election-year issue that conservatives’ Republican Party allies have been reluctant to take up. The so-called “Evangelical Immigration Table,” which includes evangelicals Jim Wallis…

Supreme Court tosses 'Christian candy cane' case

WASHINGTON (RNS) — An appeal over Christmas sweets turned bitter June 11 when the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the so-called “Christian candy cane” case. The case out of Texas has become a rallying point for conservative Christians concerned about…

Rocky Mountain elects Anderson new president

Delegates to the 2012 LCMS Rocky Mountain District convention, meeting June 7-9 in Denver, elected the Rev. Allen D. Anderson of Boulder, Colo., as the district’s new president. This was the 49th convention of the district, which covers Colorado, New Mexico…

Nebraska District re-elects Sommerfeld

The Rev. Dr. Russell Sommerfeld of Seward, Neb., was elected to his fourth term as president of the LCMS Nebraska District by delegates to the district’s 17th convention, meeting June 8-9 at Concordia University in Seward.  Delegates also elected four…

Atlantic's Benke elected to eighth term

The Rev. Dr. David H. Benke, pastor of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Brooklyn, N.Y., was elected to his eighth consecutive term as president of the Synod’s Atlantic District during the district’s 58th convention, June 8-9 in Bronxville, N.Y. Benke…

Kansas District re-elects Kohlmeier president

The Rev. Keith Kohlmeier was re-elected to his fourth term as president during the 71st regular convention of the LCMS Kansas District, held June 7-9 in Topeka. Kohlmeier, 59, a resident of Topeka, Kan., was elected on the first ballot of…

Conservatives rally across U.S. for 'religious freedom'

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Hundreds gathered on Capitol Hill and at rallies across the nation June 8 in a double-barreled attack on President Obama’s health-care law and a mandate to require employers to provide insurance coverage of birth control. Speakers such as…

Photographer to appeal same-sex wedding decision

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Attorneys for a Christian wedding photographer say they will appeal a New Mexico court decision that ruled she violated anti-discrimination laws by refusing to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony. The case has become a cause célèbre among some…

Crystal Cathedral to move to smaller Catholic church

(RNS) — In a building swap, the Crystal Cathedral has announced it will move its congregation to a smaller Roman Catholic church after the iconic Protestant megachurch was sold to the Catholic Diocese of Orange, Calif. The cathedral, plagued by huge…

South Wisconsin District commends Catholic Church

The LCMS South Wisconsin District, meeting in convention June 10-12 in Mequon, Wis., has adopted a resolution that “commends the Roman Catholic Church for its stance on religious freedoms and defense of the rights of the unborn.” The resolution —…

Registration opens for 2013 LCMS Life Conference

Registration is open for the 2013 LCMS Life Conference, set for Jan. 25-26 in Arlington, Va., at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel at Reagan National Airport. The conference is being held in conjunction with the 2013 National March for…

Missouri delegates re-elect Mirly president

The Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly was elected on the first ballot to his third term as president of the LCMS Missouri District at the district’s June 3-5 convention in Springfield, Mo. Also elected were: the Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan,…

Zwonitzer heads KFUO Radio

The Rev. Rodney E. Zwonitzer has accepted the call to be director of broadcast services for the Synod’s KFUO Radio and began work in that position June 4 at the KFUO building on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.…