Prisoner’s Reflections: Meditations for Prisoners

Prisoner’s Reflections: Meditations for Prisoners is a collection of devotions written by Thomas Bird. Mr. Bird is a Lutheran Christian who was in prison for many years.

Harrison: Is Scalia’s death ‘harbinger of worse things to come’?

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison issues a statement on the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

A statement from President Harrison on the death of Justice Scalia

We have received the news of the death of Justice Scalia with deep shock. On the moral issues, on which The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has taken a public stand (life, marriage and religious freedom), we and all creedal and biblically oriented Christians had no more stalwart friend on the Supreme Court than Justice Scalia.

KFUO Audio: Interview recap of March for Life, Walk for Life West Coast

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Katie Schuermann, Tracy Quaethem, Peter Slayton and Rev. Marcus Zill to discuss the recent March for Life in Washington, D.C., and the Walk for Life West Coast event in San Francisco.

KFUO Audio: Interview about ‘The Church and Mental Health Workshop’ at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, April 9

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Rev. Todd Peperkorn, pastor of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Rocklin, Calif., and Stephanie Neugebauer, director, LCMS Life and Health Ministries, about “The Church and Mental Health Workshop” at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, on Saturday, April 9.

KFUO Audio: Interview about ‘Mission Field: USA’ with Rev. Schave, Rev. Burfeind

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talks with Rev. Steve Schave, director, LCMS Church Planting, and Rev. Peter Burfeind about national mission work. Rev. Burfeind is a domestic missionary serving in campus ministry at the University of Toledo and in the struggling inner city of Toledo, Ohio, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Student Ministry.

Discussions encourage Lutheran, Anglican leaders

Leaders of the Anglican Church in North America, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and Lutheran Church—Canada meet Feb. 8-9 in St. Louis.

KFUO to host litigator in crucial religious-liberty cases

On Feb. 17, Alliance Defending Freedom’s Gregory Baylor talks about key religious liberty cases to be decided in 2016.

Synod to sponsor free workshop on mental illness

“The Church and Mental Health” is planned for Saturday, April 9, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Stewardship Under the Cross: Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran Parish

Stewardship Under the Cross: Stewardship for the Confessional Lutheran Parish was written by the Rev. Heath Curtis, the coordinator of LCMS Stewardship Ministry.

LEA announces nine educator awards for 2016

Mark Muehl of Fort Wayne, Ind., is named to receive Lutheran Education Association’s top “Christus Magister” award.

Bible Stewardship Principles

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recommends using these Bible Stewardship Principles in guiding education and appeal efforts in Synod congregations, entities, agencies and auxiliaries.

‘Legendary’ LCMS armed forces ministry leader dies

Chaplain Rev. Dr. Milton Ernstmeyer, past executive secretary of the Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces, dies Feb. 5 at the age of 99.

Synod supports districts, congregations after storms

The Synod responds to disasters in four states: flooding in Illinois and Missouri, and tornadoes in Mississippi and Texas.

Goeglein discusses life march, pending legal cases

Focus on the Family’s Timothy Goeglein is featured in a Jan. 20 Worldwide KFUO interview.

Resources available for Lent

See what’s available from Concordia Publishing House, Lutheran Hour Ministries and the Synod’s Worship ministry.