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LCMS Communications

Obituary: Paula Schlueter Ross, former managing editor of ‘Reporter’

Ross, managing editor of “Reporter” and manager of LCMS News and Information Services, died Nov. 13 at age 66. She retired on Feb. 1, 2019, after nearly 35 years with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Outreach Through Lutheran Schools’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Dr. Rebecca Schmidt presents a free webinar on “Outreach Through Lutheran Schools.”

‘Reporter’ Supplement: Faith comes by hearing

LCMS Pastoral Education highlights the significance of a pastor preaching and God’s people hearing the Word of God.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Understanding Recognized Service Organizations’

In a webinar hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Deaconess Dorothy Krans, director of LCMS Recognized Service Organizations, explains the work of RSOs, how they can positively impact urban ministry, and how they can be a blessing to those serving in urban settings.

KFUO Radio: Christianity and the rise of science

During a Free to be Faithful® program, Worldwide KFUO moderator Kip Allen and the Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, discuss the relationship between Christianity and the rise of science.

‘Reporter’ Supplement: The journey begins with PALS

LCMS Pastoral Education highlights the path pastors can take to acquire continuing education that promotes and nurtures a desire and energy to learn.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Deploying the Young Adult Corps in Urban Mission’

Julianna Shults, a director of Christian education and program manager for the LCMS Lutheran Young Adult Corps, shares how the program’s long-term deployed volunteers benefit urban mission.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Mental Health and Its Impact on the City’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Ms. Laura Hofman and Rev. Dr. Dennis Goff presented a free webinar on “Mental Health and Its Impact on the City.”

KFUO Radio: Do you vote with your dollars?

Robert Kuykendall of 2ndVote, a website that rates companies based on the causes they support, joins KFUO host Kip Allen during a Free to be Faithful® program to discuss how to be an intentional Christian consumer while many American corporations fight against life and marriage.

Harrison elected to fourth term as LCMS president

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison is the president-elect of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for a fourth term of office, 2019–2022, after receiving a majority of votes cast in the June 22–25 election. Harrison has served as LCMS president since 2010.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Understanding Social Issues in the Urban Setting’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Rev. Larry Vogel presented a free webinar on “Understanding Social Issues in the Urban Setting.”

‘Reporter’ Supplement – What we heard: Church workers speak on wellness

In a supplement to the June 2019 Reporter, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod highlights what was learned from worker wellness focus groups conducted in 2019.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Community Development and Mission’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, Nicole Ridley and Fred Kimbrough of LCMS National Housing Support Corporation presented a webinar on “Community Development and Mission.”

New Holy Week media kit

Advertise your Holy Week and Easter services by using these free, customizable resources.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Insights on Black Ministry’

During a webinar on “Insights on Black Ministry,” the Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray shared ways to establish and grow ministry to African-Americans in your community, and he addressed unique challenges such as racism, poverty, discrimination, and family structure.

Official Notice — 2019 President and Vice-President Nominations Results

The 2019 nominations processes for the offices of President, First Vice-President and regional vice-presidents of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod have been completed.