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LCMS Communications

Pacific Southwest elects Stoterau to fifth term

Some 370 voting delegates to the LCMS Pacific Southwest (PSW) District convention, meeting July 27-29 in Irvine, Calif., re-elected the Rev. Dr. Larry A. Stoterau to his fifth three-year term as the district’s president. The convention’s theme was “Proclaiming the Mysteries…

Stechholz re-elected in English District

The Rev. Dr. David P. Stechholz of Livonia, Mich., was elected to his third term as bishop and president of the LCMS English District during the district’s 54th convention, June 27-30 in St. Louis. Stechholz, 64, was elected on the…

Iowa East re-elects Saunders president

Delegates to the 38th convention of the LCMS Iowa District East (IDE), June 29-30 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re-elected the Rev. Dr. Brian S. Saunders to his second three-year term as district president.  They also re-elected the two district vice-presidents. The…

Hispanic convention targets identity, ministry in Synod

By Pamela Nielsen ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Some 150 LCMS Hispanic ministry leaders from across the nation gathered June 19-22 at Concordia University here for the IV Convención Nacional Hispanic (Spanish for Fourth National Hispanic Lutheran Convention). They discussed concerns such…

Letters to the Editor (July 2012)

Thanks for stance Thank you so much for your support of religious freedom. While I am a member of the Catholic Church, I very much appreciate the LCMS and what it stands for … a Christian force for good in our…

Pressure Points (July 2012)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: I was following some of your previous columns on “spiritual warfare.” They got me wondering if some of what I am going through is that. When I have previously thought of “spiritual war-fare” I have…

Convention Corner provides updates (April 2012)

with Barbara A. Below Following is the first in a series of Reporter columns that will provide information about the next LCMS national convention.   As the 65th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod approaches, this Reporter column will…

Positions (July 2012)

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod seeks to fill the following positions: assistant director, Office of National Mission, International Center, St. Louis. For more information, click here. director, Rural and Small Town Ministry, Concordia, Mo. For more information, click here. Posted July…

Items wanted, available (July 2012)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Notices may be sent to Jennifer Duffy at…

Harrison, CPS, Karner respond to health-care ruling

By Adriane Dorr The Supreme Court of the United States June 28 ruled largely to let stand the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the controversial health-care reform legislation.  The 5-4 ruling on the individual mandate leaves intact two prominent pieces…

SELC delegates elect Krueger to sixth term

At the LCMS SELC District’s 16th convention, June 21-24 in Oviedo, Fla., delegates re-elected by acclamation the Rev. Dr. Carl H. Krueger of Cudahy, Wis., to his sixth three-year term as district president. Krueger and the following vice-presidents — also elected…

Wildfires take LCMS members' homes, force evacuations

By Sarah Schafer At least three LCMS families in Montana and Colorado are known to have lost their homes to wildfires and others are facing that possibility. On Montana’s Northern Cheyenne Reservation, two families at Circle of Life Lutheran Church in Lame Deer are among…

New missionaries prepare for global service

Twenty-three new career and short-term missionaries and educators, along with their spouses and children, began a 13-day orientation in St. Louis June 24 to help prepare them for service abroad later this year. The annual event, held at the International Center,…

Iowa West returns Sieveking to office

LCMS Iowa West District President Rev. Dr. Paul G. Sieveking of Fort Dodge, Iowa, was elected to his fifth term by delegates to the district’s 38th convention, June 24-26 at Camp Okoboji in Milford, Iowa. Also re-elected under the convention theme…

Hennings re-elected in Texas

Delegates to the LCMS Texas District convention, meeting June 21-23 in Lubbock, Texas, elected the Rev. Kenneth M. Hennings to his third term as district president. Hennings, 64, is a resident of Pflugerville, Texas. He was elected on the first…

Mid-South elects Paavola as new president

The Rev. Dr. Roger C. Paavola was elected president of the LCMS Mid-South District by delegates to the district’s 18th Regular Convention, June 22-24 in Memphis, Tenn. He was elected on the fourth ballot. A resident of Cookeville, Tenn., Paavola, 64, has…