In conjunction with its upcoming 50th anniversary, ‘Reporter’ unveils a new masthead.
Black Clergy Caucus celebrates past, looks to future
The theme of the Black Clergy Caucus Fall Conference was “Empowering and Advancing the Next Generation.”
From our table to yours: Reporter staff shares favorite recipes
Merry Christmas from the staff of Reporter.
Set Apart to Serve hosts deaconess program leaders
The gathering included leaders from LCMS institutions that certify LCMS deaconesses.
National Mission offers life grant application training
The training will provide helpful guidance in applying for a Million Dollar Life Match grant.
‘The Lord is near’: Maui fire recovery continues
The Maui response exemplifies the Synod working together to help a Lutheran church and school be the light of Christ in their community.
Campus clips: Celebrating scholars of all ages
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.
From the mission field: Seminary has new director
Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.
District presidents hold first meeting of triennium
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Council of Presidents met in St. Louis Sept. 16–19.
Concordia universities to host church work days
Set Apart to Serve is partnering with the Concordia University System on a series of campus church work days in 2024.
BOD welcomes new members, elects Preus chairman
The BOD held its first meeting of the new triennium Sept. 14–15 in St. Louis.
Youth Ministry unveils 2025 Gathering theme
The 2025 Youth Gathering is set for July 19–23, 2025, in New Orleans.
From the mission field: Student to chaplain
Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.
Campus clips: Synod schools receive, share God’s gifts
Updates from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.
New crucifix installed, dedicated at LCMS International Center
The crucifix was a gift from Ilona Kuchta in memory of her husband, Dr. Thomas (Tom) W. Kuchta, who served as LCMS chief financial officer from 2001 to 2010.