Roy Askins
76 Articles1 Comments

Director of Editorial and Executive Editor of The Lutheran Witness

Summer edition of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ addresses topic of war

Before beginning any discussion of war, we need to fix our eyes firmly on Jesus.

May ‘Witness’: Understanding the Ascension

Ascension Day is an oft-forgotten feast, but its restoration in the life of the congregation will serve God’s people well.

April ‘Witness’: History of the LCMS

The April issue offers a small peek into the history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

March ‘Witness’: The deadly sin of sloth

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness digs into acedia, the Greek word for sloth, as this spiritual malady has often been called.

‘A march behind the cross’: Lutherans advocate, teach, care for life

In addition to advocating for life and teaching all generations about the sanctity of human life, the LCMS remains dedicated to supporting families in need after the birth of a child.

One God, one path — February ‘Witness’

The February issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the teachings of various world religions and contrasts them with the one true faith.

December ‘Witness’: Canticles of Christmas

The December issue of LW highlights how the canticles teach us about Christ and why the church continues to use them to keep us mindful of the most important Christmas gift all year long. 

Readers answer call to write for LW

The November issue includes such topics as advice from Martin Luther on how to comfort those who mourn and guidance from C.F.W. Walther on the relationship between church and state.

October ‘Witness’: A Book of Concord toolkit

The October issue of The Lutheran Witness offers a “Reader’s Guide to the Book of Concord, in honor of Paul McCain.”

September ‘Witness’: Thinking about your funeral

The September issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the Lutheran funeral in depth.

August ‘Witness’: Church workers needed

In the August issue of LW, the Rev. Dr. James Baneck, executive director of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education, explains why and how the Church Worker Recruitment Initiative will be vital to the work of the LCMS.

Wanted: Writers for ‘The Lutheran Witness’

With a deadline of Aug. 1, the November issue of LW will publish the best six to eight articles submitted by LCMS writers over the last year.

‘Una Sancta’: June/July ‘Witness’

The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness explores what it means to be “the one, holy Christian and apostolic Church.”

May ‘Lutheran Witness’: Seek first the kingdom of God

The May issue addresses the temptation to seek after worldly things ahead of the kingdom of God.

April ‘Witness’: Four Gospels, one Jesus

All four Gospels tell the story of Jesus’ life, suffering, death and resurrection in a unique way, to a unique audience.

March ‘Witness’: Superstitions

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness examines superstitions and superstitious practices and beliefs.