New This Week

LCMS Oklahoma District re-elects Henke president

The Rev. Barrie E. Henke was elected to his fourth term as district president on the first ballot.

Sailer re-elected president of LCMS South Dakota District

The Rev. Scott C. Sailer was elected to his second term as district president on the first ballot.

Helping houses ‘feel like home again’ for Harvey survivors

Heart for Texas, a coalition of Lutheran organizations partnering with volunteers and businesses in Texas and beyond, is helping homeowners return as closely as possible to normal life.

Concordia University Texas takes top honors in LCEF competition

It’s the third consecutive first-place finish for Texas in Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s seventh annual National Student Marketing Competition.

Movie review: ‘God’s Not Dead: A Light in Darkness’

The third installment in the “God’s Not Dead” series is a vast improvement over the first two, but this doesn’t mean it’s a good film, only that it’s a better film.

Campus Clips – April 2018

News from LCMS colleges and seminaries.

From the Mission Field – April 2018

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Minnesota North elects Fondow to sixth term

The Rev. Dr. Donald J. Fondow was re-elected president at the district’s 23rd convention, April 9–11 in Alexandria, Minn.

Grants up to $250,000 now available through LCEF’s Kaleidoscope Fund

The deadline for submitting a grant proposal is June 15.

KFUO’s ‘Sharathon’ set for April 19–21

This year, the Sharathon looks at Romans 10:17: “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

Longtime Lutheran educator Rev. Dr. Alan H. Steinbach dies

Steinbach served on the LCMS Board for Higher Education Services from 1985 to 1998.

LEA honors 2018 top educators

The Christus Magister award — Lutheran Education Association’s top honor — was awarded to Rachel Klitzing of Irvine, Calif.

‘Mercy centers’ up and running in Puerto Rico

The new “mercy centers” have been dubbed “CARD” for Casa de Amparo y Respuesta a Desastre (House of Refuge and Disaster Response).

April ‘Lutheran Witness’: Christian missions through the lens of Easter

Readers can join with all the saints in heaven and on earth as they travel through time and across space to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.

LCMS adds Better Business Bureau Accreditation

The LCMS was previously recognized by another watchdog, Guidestar, as a Platinum-level participant in its Exchange program.

Operation Barnabas: ‘Life-saving’ help for military families

Begun in 2007 to support Lutheran chaplains serving in the reserves, this Ministry to the Armed Forces program has evolved into a “network of care” for anyone with military connections — both within Synod churches and beyond their walls.