New This Week

Campus clips: Philanthropy, technology and a visit from Luther

The monthly “Campus Clips” column includes brief reports from LCMS day schools, universities and seminaries.

From the mission field: Giving thanks for Lutheran Heritage Foundation

In the LCMS Latin America and Caribbean region, LHF has provided more than 110,000 books in Spanish for churches and missions.

Winter ‘Engage’: Lutherans on the move

The Winter 2023 issue of Lutherans Engage the World tells stories of Lutherans around the world who know that church is “the place … to be.”

January ‘Witness’: Life after Roe

The January issue offers a broad array of articles to help you and your congregation think about pro-life opportunities.

COP discusses Synod joys, concerns

The LCMS Council of Presidents met Nov. 14–16.

Frith installed as Liberty Network director

The Rev. Mark T. Frith will work with the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty to train laity, church workers and congregations to be advocates for religious liberty.

Volunteer in 2023: Register for a summer Servant Event

LCMS congregations, summer camps and Recognized Service Organizations across the country will host Servant Events from May through August.

National Lutheran Schools Week 2023: ‘Making Disciples for Life’

LCMS School Ministry has developed a variety of resources for use during NLSW.

Pilot program to test SAS resources

Set Apart to Serve (SAS) is a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod effort launched in 2019 to raise up future church workers.

‘Another year of grace’: A message from the Synod president

With the name of Jesus and at the celebration of His first shedding of blood, we begin our new year.

Respect for Marriage Act: Misnamed law threatens religious liberty

On Dec. 13, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law.

‘Behold the Man’: December LW

The December issue of The Lutheran Witness explores how Lutheran anthropology informs and directs our lives here and in the life to come.

From the mission field: Living voices of the Gospel in Papua New Guinea

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Campus clips: LCMS schools wrap up busy year

The December edition of ‘Campus Clips.’

St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf: Teaching the ‘whole person’

St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf accepts students from preschool through eighth grade and operates in space provided by Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School in Dearborn, Mich.

‘A way to serve’: Organist honored for 70 years at same congregation

Eileen Jones began serving at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Britton, Mich., when she was 16 years old.