Rev. David Maffett of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, has accepted a call to serve as…
CPH offers Lutheran Confessions on CD-ROM
Concordia Publishing House is releasing this month Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions in digital format for…
St. Louis sem offers on-campus workshops
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is sponsoring three on-campus summer workshops for pastors, professional church workers,…
Workshop to address law-enforcement chaplaincy
“Christian Law Enforcement Chaplaincy — Theology and Practice” is the topic of a workshop that…
Needed: volunteers to teach English in Asia
LCMS World Mission is seeking 20 volunteers to teach conversational English in Asia for two…
Missionary Cyndi Sawyer dies of heart attack
Cynthia “Cyndi” Sawyer, an LCMS missionary to Hong Kong, died of a heart attack March…
Free 'Lutheran Witness' focuses on sharing faith
“Sharing your faith” is the focus of a special issue of The Lutheran Witness that…
Fire destroys South Dakota country church
Rev. Gregory Hinners wore two “helmets” at the March 26 fire that destroyed the building…
St. Louis sem announces fourth Tour de Sem
Faculty, staff, students, and friends of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will fasten their helmets and…
Wally Bronner, Christmas store founder, dies
Wally Bronner, founder of Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland, the world’s largest Christmas store, died of cancer…
World Mission seeks 300 congregations to send mission teams
By Paula Schlueter Ross He talks a lot about loving relationships and long-term commitments, but…
Seminary names Puls to church relations post
Rev. Timothy Puls will begin serving July 1 as assistant vice president of church relations…
CPH cuts prices on Holy Land books
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, has cut dramatically the prices of a select group of…
St. Louis sem hosts free carillon recitals
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is hosting four carillon recitals on its campus in June. The…
Fort Wayne sem announces 'Lutherfest'
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., will hold its annual “Lutherfest” April 18. A German…
Sem's 'Day of Homiletical Reflection' set for May
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its 6th annual “Day of Homiletical Reflection” from 9…