Hewitt brings greetings from Thrivent

HOUSTON — Brad Hewitt, senior vice president of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, brought greetings on…

Convention delegates complete balloting

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod completed elections for all…

Delegates affirm dispute resolution process

 HOUSTON – Delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted a…

Delegates support Youth Gatherings, Hispanic staff person, anniversaries

HOUSTON — At the start of the only scheduled evening session for the 63rd Regular…

Outreach ‘a’ priority, not ‘the’ priority in church-worker training, say delegates

HOUSTON — A resolution to “encourage and direct” Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod universities and seminaries to…

Delegates encourage stewardship renewal

HOUSTON – Delegates encouraged stewardship renewal, especially through enhanced communication, as they considered resolutions on…

Delegates adopt three worship-related resolutions

HOUSTON – Three worship-related resolutions were adopted by delegates to the Synod’s 63rd Regular Convention…

King speaks of life, death at memorial service

HOUSTON — Professional church workers who died during the past triennium were commemorated during a…

Resolutions deal with abuse, placement; delegates hear from LIRS president

HOUSTON — Two resolutions dealing with human care were addressed July 18 by delegates to…

International LLL President addresses convention

HOUSTON – International LLL President Jack Kidwell brought greetings to the assembled delegates during the…

Convention encourages congregations to practice close(d) communion

HOUSTON — Congregations that allow open communion were encouraged to return to “faithful communion practices…

Convention commends military chaplains, LWML

HOUSTON –- Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod military chaplains and the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) were…

Convention sets LCMS position on stem-cell research

HOUSTON — In an overwhelmingly favorable vote, delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The…

Delegates ask CTCR for study materials; commend service of Dr. Joersz

HOUSTON – Two resolutions calling for the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) to…

'Know culture,' says Bible study leader

HOUSTON — “We have to know our culture to present the truth that matters and…

LWML president brings greetings to convention

HOUSTON – Newly elected president Jan Wendorf  brought greetings from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League…