Concordia Publishing House has given $467,000 to The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to support “outreach and…
ILC seminaries hold world conference
Speakers and responders addressed the challenges to Lutheran seminaries as 43 church leaders and educators…
Seminaries offer summer workshops, courses
The Synod’s two seminaries are offering a total of 31 workshops and courses this summer…
ALOA announces Lutherhostels
The Association of Lutheran Older Adults (ALOA) is sponsoring five upcoming Lutherhostels. Designed for older…
CPH extends special offer for hymnal
Thanks to an “overwhelmingly positive” response to Lutheran Service Book — and as “a service…
Official Notice: 63rd Regular Convention, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
The 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod will convene at the George R.…
Official Notice: Nominations for President and Vice Presidents
The nominating process for the offices of President, First Vice President, and other Vice Presidents…
Items wanted, available (May)
Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…
Positions (May)
The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod World Relief and Human Care, St. Louis, seeks to fill the…
Requests for Reinstatement (May)
PAUL ARNOLD, Aurburn, Mich.; AMY C. HERRING, Carol Stream, Ill.; JANET M. LEMAIRE, Lombard, Ill.;…
Grant helps recovery from New Mexico tornado
Responding to a March 23 tornado called “the worst in history” for the city of Clovis,…
Concert to help African youth features more than music
By Kim Krull A South African orphan captured the caring spirit of the audience that…
Event to equip volunteers for `The 72`
Interested volunteers may request applications for an Oct. 17-21 training event in Concordia, Mo., for…
CPH offers resources on `responding to tragedy`
In the aftermath of the recent Virginia Tech shootings, Concordia Publishing House has made available…
Kieschnick issues statement on Virginia Tech shootings
Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, issued the statement that follows…
Nominees announced for 2nd-5th vice presidents
The names of the 20 nominees for the Synod’s second through fifth vice presidents who…