with Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: As a pastor, I know that I am called to…
Letters to the Editor (November)
Funding the Mission It was with much thanksgiving to God that I read the report…
Official Notice: Lawsuit
The lawsuit filed by more than 80 plaintiffs against President Gerald B. Kieschnick, First Vice…
Items wanted, available (November)
Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…
Positions (November)
Concordia University Irvine, Irvine, Calif., seeks applicants for the following two positions: Associate dean of…
Requests for Reinstatement (November)
JAMES M. HENSLIN, Niceville, Fla., and LARRY E. MILLER, St. Paul, Minn., have applied for…
Rededication continues St. Paul`s `great story`
It’s been a year since Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick wrote about “one of the…
Congregations find stewardship growth with LCEF program
By Kim Krull When Barbara Mulvey was asked to lead the team for a new…
Guest leaders introduce new biblical stewardship program
Pastors (both active and retired) and laypeople who want to help congregations talk more about…
`Stewardship Renaissance` to begin with new staff
“Stewardship Renaissance” — a term used by the Blue Ribbon Task Force for Funding the…
Nafzger addresses church`s action on ordaining women
Thoughts of both gratitude and concern were expressed by the executive director of the LCMS…
Members hit by tornado, Hawaii quake, get grants
LCMS World Relief/Human Care gave initial emergency disaster-relief grants totaling $17,000 to three congregations whose…
Plans to introduce new health programs next year
Concordia Plan Services (CPS) says it will introduce several new health and wellness programs as…
Seminary names Reinke as director of deaf institute
Rev. John P. Reinke of Janesville, Wis., began serving this fall as director of the…
Singles conference set for July
International Lutheran Single Adults (ILSA) will hold its 20th anniversary annual conference July 5-8 at…
ELCA, LCMS reps share about similar emphases
By Joe Isenhower Jr. Stepped-up outreach efforts, new hymnals, and task forces on funding -– programs…