Young people from congregations with groups at this year’s LCMS youth gathering elected a new…
Gift reflects soldier's love for children
By Kim Plummer Krull Pvt. Michelle Witmer died in Iraq, but her love for children continues…
Endowment to aid sem students
Students at the Synod’s two seminaries will benefit from a new endowment fund established by…
Sem adds discussion board to lectionary Web resource
“Lectionary at Lunch,” a Web resource from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, that provides audio files…
Aug. 2 storm inflicts damage at `island` camp
Strong winds in a pre-dawn Aug. 2 storm toppled scores of trees at Lutheran Island…
Wheat Ridge announces medical-mission service
Wheat Ridge Ministries is offering a new service to connect short-term medical-mission volunteers with Lutheran…
Tax-exempt code prohibits political endorsements
As this year’s general election approaches, the Synod’s tax and compliance director is reminding congregations…
Bjarne Wollan Teigen dies; rep to talks with LCMS
Dr. Bjarne Wollan Teigen, former president of Bethany College, Mankato, Minn., and a principal in…
Wheat Ridge honors 21 youth
Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., awarded its Youth Health and Hope Award to 21…
Seminaries set fall visits
Both Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod seminaries are inviting men who are at least college age and…
Mequon to host health conference
“Ethical Conflicts in Health Care: The Christian Response” will be the focus of the 10th…
Conference focuses on `church planting with child care`
A conference designed to show Lutherans how to start a congregation with a child-care center…
Registration still open for seminary hostels
Registration remains open for “hostels” set for next month at the two Synod seminaries. Concordia Theological…
Lutherans can help Hurricane Charley victims with funds, service
By Joe Isenhower Jr. As Floridians continue to work at putting their lives back together in…
`Pressure Points` with Dr. Bruce Hartung (Sept. 2004)
Q: Our church treasurer and I, the church president, write to ask this question. Our…
World Mission sets up Web site up to track `Ablaze!` contacts
By Paula Schlueter Ross LCMS World Mission has set up a new Web site to…