Luther film to air on PBS Sept. 12

Congregations still may arrange screenings of “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” at local theaters.

CHI exhibit features books, coins from Luther’s time

An exhibit at Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis features rare books and coins from the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation.

KFUO program addresses positive, negative power of words

The Aug. 16 “Free to be Faithful” program featured Roger Drinnon and Peter Slayton of LCMS Communications.

Video: The Common Chest Ensures Everyone’s Needs Are Met

The 500th anniversary of the Reformation provides an excellent opportunity to recall and learn the importance of Luther’s teachings on the truth of God’s love for people by grace alone, by faith alone, by Scripture alone, through Christ alone.

Bomb squad OKs suspicious package at Concordia Seminary

All students, faculty and staff are reported safe, and its St. Louis campus has been declared “all clear” and is operating as usual.

Judge Neely asks U.S. Supreme Court to reverse Wyoming court censure

Judge Ruth Neely, a member of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Pinedale, Wyo., has been under fire since 2014 for expressing her faith-based beliefs on marriage.

LCMS Worship Institute draws 350-plus to study, pray, sing God’s Word

Attendees ponder the theme “The Just Live by Faith” at the 2017 LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music.

Video: The Cross Alone Is Our Theology

Using pieces from “Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation” the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, teaches interesting and important facts about the Reformation.

Exhibit of Reformation-era books coming to Concordia, Chicago

The exhibit at Concordia University Chicago featuring 35 items from the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries opens Oct. 8.

Got questions? August ‘Lutheran Witness’ has answers

Even stalwart Christians have questions about the faith — big queries about salvation, death and life, ethics and the Scriptures.

Empowerment Center, including Lutheran Hope Center, opens at Ferguson’s ‘ground zero’

LCMS missionary Rev. Micah Glenn and the Lutheran Hope Center are based there, along with community partners.

Movie review: ‘Dunkirk’

The new film “provides a unique and intense film-going experience” that “will keep viewers on the edge of their seats,” writes reviewer Ted Giese.

The Luther Mile

Join the Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, LCMS president, as he explores some of the most renowned sites in what many call Luther City.

Video: The Pope Supported the Sale of Indulgences; Christ Gives Grace for Free

Indulgences were really from the pope. He was fund-raising for a building program. The solas teach us that we are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, as revealed in Scripture alone.

Movie review: ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’

“While not bright and cheerful, ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ is entertaining and interesting, well-made, with a lot of heart,” writes reviewer Ted Giese.

Black Ministry convocation brings people together in worship, learning, fellowship

More than 540 people attend the LCMS Lutherans in Black Ministry Family Convocation, July 12-16 in Birmingham, Ala.