National Mission: A New Way of Working Together

Although they have been several years in development, the LCMS Board for National Mission’s new policies now formally chart a course for the Synod’s Office of National Mission (ONM) as it works with and serves the Synod’s districts and other domestic entities and seeks to carry out the mission priorities established for it by the Synod in convention.

God’s Gift of Sexuality Task Force offers resources

The resources are designed to provide hope and healing for those struggling with same-sex attraction, and offer support for their families.

Ultrasound-based resource shows students ‘Life in the Womb’

“What is This? Looking at Life in the Womb” brings ultrasound technology into middle- and high-school classrooms to highlight the sanctity of human life.

Photo gallery: July 2015 “Service of Sending” for LCMS missionaries

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod held a “Service of Sending” for its new missionaries on Friday, July 2, at the International Center in St. Louis. Twenty missionaries and their 40 family members attended a two-week orientation to prepare for service abroad.

Photo gallery: 2015 LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa

The 36th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League was held June 25-28, 2015, at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa.

Photo gallery: Nebraska church holds service one year after twin tornadoes

About 75 St. John Lutheran Church members and guests join the Rev. Terry Makelin, pastor of the church, for a Day of Supplication and Prayer service at St. John Lutheran Church on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, in Pilger, Neb. A year ago to the day, with the service almost to the hour, rare EF-4 twin twisters destroyed the church along with the majority of Pilger.

SLED — equipping educators to lead critical mission field

Since 1996, the LCMS School Leadership Development Program has produced a pool of almost 400 potential administrative candidates.

Alliance Defending Freedom Live-streamed Presentation on Marriage

Join Alliance Defending Freedom for a presentation on what the Supreme Court’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage means for you.

LCMS U director offers encouragement, hope in wake of SCOTUS marriage ruling

LCMS U director reminds college students: “God has a habit of working great things out of dark moments.”

Marriage and Wedding Conference on June 30 in Hamel, Ill.

A pastoral conference about weddings and marriages is scheduled for Tuesday, June 30, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Hamel, Ill.

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family — Infertility Ethics Symposium on Nov. 7, 2015

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talked on June 23 with speakers for the upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposium, which will be hosted by LCMS Life Ministry on Saturday, Nov. 7, at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Movie review: ‘Jurassic World’

It’s not a great film but certainly very good, writes reviewer Ted Giese. Parents should take the movie’s PG-13 rating seriously, though, as some scenes may be too intense for young children.

Webinar: “Missionaries Without Passports”

Rita Nickel, Executive Director of Lutherans in Medical Mission, led a “Missionaries Without Passports” webinar on June 15, 2015. Nickel discussed how congregations can reach out to immigrants and refugees in their own neighborhood.

Why Abortion Is Really Declining: The Juno Effect

What we’re witnessing is not an outbreak of Christian morality. Nor is it the sudden, widespread successful use of contraception, as some have claimed. Women are still getting pregnant out-of-wedlock. But unlike in the past, there’s not much stigma attached to being an unmarried mother. It’s what Peggy Drexler at The Huffington Post once dubbed “The Juno Effect,” after the 2008 film about a snarky teen mother who chooses life but adopts her baby to another single mom.

Parish Education – June 2015

Each church has the responsibility to offer lifelong biblical instruction to its members of all ages. Parish education is Christ-centered, biblical instruction for every person in the Church.

Mission journal discusses global Christianity’s ‘shift’

The June 2015 issue of the “Journal of Lutheran Mission” reflects on the way in which the Holy Spirit has moved the Gospel from place to place.