Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod leaders share enlightening, comforting poll results following the 2016 National Youth Gathering.

KFUO Audio: Disaster relief update in Haiti after Hurricane Matthew
LCMS Disaster Response Director Rev. Ross Johnson gives an update about relief efforts after Hurricane Matthew stormed Haiti in October 2016.

KFUO Audio: ‘The Church & Mental Health Workshop’ preview
The Rev. Jeff Pflug and Richard Davenport joined KFUO Radio host Andy Bates to discuss “The Church & Mental Health Workshop” scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2017, at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dillsboro, Ind.

KFUO Audio: ‘Fifty Shades’ series and domestic violence impact
LCMS Deaconess Kim Schave and KFUO Radio host Andy Bates discuss the popular ‘Fifty Shades’ books and movies and their influence on domestic violence.

KFUO Audio: College student reflects on civil rights, choice for life
Hannah Hart, a college student at the University of Memphis, and the Rev. Marcus Zill share reflections on civil rights and the choice for life during The Student Union program on KFUO Radio.

KFUO Audio: Interviews, insight from 2017 March for Life
The Rev. Jonathan Fisk of KFUO Radio reports following the 2017 March for Life, which was Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C. Fisk shares interviews from Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod participants of all ages, and he offers insight regarding the pro-life movement and how we move forward as redeemed children of God.

KFUO Audio: 2017 March for Life review
March for Life president Jeanne Mancini reviews the 2017 March for Life with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen during a Free to be Faithful program on Feb. 15.

Video: Harrison, Schultz comfort tornado victim in New Orleans
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is providing spiritual and human care in the New Orleans area. Southeastern Louisiana was hit on Feb. 7 by an estimated six tornadoes, including two EF-3 storms with winds up to 150 mph, the National Weather Service reported. One was the most destructive tornado in the history of New Orleans.

Video: LCMS responds after Louisiana tornadoes
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is providing spiritual and human care in the New Orleans area. Southeastern Louisiana was hit on Feb. 7 by an estimated six tornadoes, including two EF-3 storms with winds up to 150 mph, the National Weather Service reported. One was the most destructive tornado in the history of New Orleans.

Video: The LCMS at the 2017 March for Life
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) members were among the hundreds of thousands of participants in the 2017 March for Life on Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C.

Photo essay: Our Stake in Spain
In Spain — where Lutheran martyrs were burned at the stake for their beliefs in the mid-1500s — Lutherans are once again proclaiming their faith.

Photo gallery: 2017 LCMS Life Conference
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod members and guests gathered for the 2017 LCMS Life Conference on Jan. 27-29 at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel in Arlington, Va.

Photo gallery: 2017 March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod participated in the National March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 27.

LCMS congregations may host free screening of new Luther movie
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations can host a screening of the new full-length film “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” at a movie theater in their community.

KFUO Audio: History, preview of March for Life
March for Life president Jeanne Mancini discusses the annual event with KFUO Radio host Kip Allen on Jan. 18, 2017, during a Free to be Faithful program.

Photo gallery: Liberty Conference and the Great Mustache Shave-Off
“Liberty,” the 2017 National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference, was Jan. 4-6 on the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park, Md. “The Mustache Resolution” was also settled between LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and LCMS Montana District President Rev. Terry Forke.