Video: Harrison gives overview of hurricane response

President Harrison gives an overview of the Synod’s response to Hurricane Matthew, which includes aid to victims in both Haiti and the Synod’s Southeastern District.

Photo gallery: Hurricane Matthew strikes Haiti

View photos of the devastation in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew by LCMS Communications Photojournalist Erik Lunsford, who traveled there with LCMS Disaster Response Director Ross Johnson Oct. 10-13, as the Synod looks to further aid to the hardest-hit areas of Haiti’s southern peninsula.

Disaster Response Video Update
Video: Hurricane Matthew Update

LCMS disaster-relief responders and Southeastern District leaders assess the flooding damage and danger in the Carolinas.

Photo essay: Christ’s mercy after Baton Rouge flooding

Lutherans are glad to help in the cleanup after August floods that impacted about 40,000 area homes, including those of Lutherans.

Care for the Aging

This presentation will provide insights into the blessings and challenges that older adults experience, in addition to the blessings and challenges that parish nurses may experience in serving older adults.

KFUO Audio: Rights of Christians in Academia

First Liberty Institute attorney Justin Butterfield and Florida State University student and teaching assistant Darrell Jordan talk with KFUO Radio’s Kip Allen about challenges and the rights of Christians in academic settings. Christian students and faculty, including those on college campuses, face many challenges in an environment that is increasingly hostile to religion.

Video: Baton Rouge Disaster Response Update

Generous gifts from people across the Synod allowed LCMS Disaster Response to assist congregations, districts and volunteer organizers in delivering Christ’s mercy to those most impacted by severe flooding in Baton Rouge in August 2016.

Photo gallery: LCMS responds to flooding in Baton Rouge, La.

In the aftermath of severe flooding in Baton Rouge in August 2016, generous gifts from across the Synod allowed LCMS Disaster Response to assist congregations, districts and volunteer organizers in delivering Christ’s mercy to those most impacted by the tragedy.

Photo essay: Extending Mercy in Kenya

The first LCMS Mercy Medical Team in Lodwar, Kenya, treats 1,861 people over five days in June.

webinar overtime regulations
Webinar explains new overtime regulations

Webinar provides information regarding the impact of new overtime regulations on districts, congregations, schools and other religious organizations.

KFUO Audio: Church work careers for young people and how the Concordia institutions contribute

Concordia University System President Dr. Dean O. Wenthe talks about church work career training at Concordia universities and colleges, and Concordia University Chicago’s Kristin Wassilak and Steve Landgraf discuss the Careers for Christ visit weekend Oct. 28-30, 2016, at CUC.

KFUO Audio: Rev. Johnson discusses upcoming Disaster Response conference

The Rev. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response, and KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates talk about the 2016 National Disaster Response Conference, which is scheduled for Oct. 18-20 at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind.

LCMS update: Cali fires, Baton Rouge flood recovery

Louisiana floods and California’s wildfires put Synod congregations, districts and LCMS Disaster Response to the test. See victims, volunteers and responders discuss the latest recovery efforts.

KFUO Audio: Miscarriage and coping with loss

Toni Larson, a clinical social worker, and the Rev. Steven Cholak talk with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about miscarriage and coping with loss.

KFUO Audio: LCMS Soldiers and Veterans of the Cross programs

The Rev. Dr. Carlos Hernandez, director of Church and Community Engagement for the LCMS Office of National Mission, talks with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about the LCMS Soldiers of the Cross and Veterans of the Cross mercy programs.

KFUO Audio: Christ Academy Confirmation Retreat at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne

The Rev. John Dreyer, Director of Admission at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., talks with KFUO Radio host Andy Bates about the Christ Academy Confirmation Retreat scheduled for Oct. 7-9 on the seminary’s campus.