Pastoral Education – June 2013

This issue of Pastoral Education highlights some of the continuing education opportunities available through Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Youth Gathering offers ways to ‘stay connected’

There are several ways to “connect” to the Synod’s 2013 National Youth Gathering, July 1-5 in San Antonio, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the Gathering website.

LCMS releases marriage ‘toolkit’ to aid discussion

As the Supreme Court deliberates two marriage-related cases, the Synod offers these tools to help congregational members, confirmation classes, Bible study groups and others discuss marriage.

Pressure Points (June 2013)

This month’s “Pressure Points” concentrates on how congregations can support their professional church workers — especially new workers.

Disaster response photos from Oklahoma

After the May 20, 2013, monstrous tornadoes, which devastated parts the Midwest and Moore, Okla., killing at least 24 people — many of them children — LCMS Disaster Response staff are requesting prayers and gifts to help with the Synod’s ongoing relief effort. See how the LCMS is responding by bearing witness to Christ and showing mercy to others.

LCMS, CPH providing free resources following tornadoes

Free resources from the LCMS include a video, a Bible study, worship helps and opportunities to support the work of LCMS Disaster Response.

Caring for Body and Soul in the Name of Jesus

The Midwestern tornadoes, one of which devastated Moore, Okla., call for a strong response of love by the church. Our congregation — St. John’s in Moore — as well as surrounding congregations and the LCMS Oklahoma District are in need of our collective support now and well into the future.

When Disaster Strikes: Worship Resources with Litany

Here are a number of brief resources you may find useful in addressing the sorts of questions that arise among God’s people when faced with disasters in this fallen world. They all seek to refresh the weary with the wonderful promises of God’s Word related to suffering, the end of this age, and the joys of the age that will dawn at our Lord’s return.

Mercy Medical Team Trip to Madagascar

During a March 2013 LCMS Mercy Medical Team trip to Madagascar, team members treated 1,321 patients and filled 4,000 prescriptions.

No LCMS congregations damaged by Oklahoma tornadoes

No LCMS congregations were damaged by four tornadoes that ripped through Oklahoma Sunday, May 19.

Bible study, video complement Luther’s prayer guide

A free, two-part Bible study and video on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther’s “A Simple Way to Pray” are now available for free download.

Congregations to receive National Offering info packet

LCMS congregations are being asked to gather contributions for the National Offering on Sunday, June 2, and have their delegates bring them to the Synod’s 65th Regular Convention, July 20-25 in St. Louis.

Convention video, resources available online

The “Convention Workbook,” a tentative schedule and other convention resources are now available online.

LCMS Disaster Response on the scene in West, Texas

LCMS Disaster Response on the scene in West, Texas, bearing mercy in our life together. The Rev. John Fale, associate executive director of the LCMS’ Mercy Operations Group, talks with Michele Marak Scott, principal of West Elementary School, about the needs in West, Texas, in the aftermath of the devastating fertilizer plant explosion.

Commentary: LCMS ministry to and with Asians – then, now and ahead

A “Reporter” commentary stresses the importance of LCMS ministry to and with Asians, both in the United States and abroad.

Pressure Points (May 2013)

The “Pressure Points” column for May 2013 explores conflicts between and among congregational lay leaders and pastors.