LCMS Life Ministry was invited to participate in the first Celebrate Life Weekend, held in June to mark the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.
church and state
Lutherans meet in D.C. to discuss church and state
The event was sponsored by the LCMS Office of the President and Lutheran Church Extension Fund.
LCMS pastors gather in Iowa state capital
In March, pastors from throughout Iowa gathered in Des Moines to meet with their state legislators.
April ‘Lutheran Witness’: Three estates
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ guide and direct the entire life of the Christian.
Respect for Marriage Act: Misnamed law threatens religious liberty
On Dec. 13, President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law.
‘Making Disciples for Life’: Staying awake in a world asleep
The Making Disciples for Life fall conference took place Oct. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
CTCR report addresses marriage and the state
The report follows several requests, in recent years, for the CTCR to address the question of whether or to what extent LCMS clergy should continue to serve as agents of the state in officiating marriages and signing civil marriage licenses.
Religious liberty during reopening
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, addresses the church regarding the changing situations as states and communities face reopening.