lcms budget

BOD adopts $80.6M budget for FY25

The budget reflects an anticipated $78.6M in total revenue and net asset releases, $2.01M in board-designated releases, and a surplus of $51,000.

‘A fantastic run’: BOD closes one era, prepares for next

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Board of Directors met at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis May 18–19.

COP, BOD meet in St. Louis

Among other items, the COP discussed the Concordia University System, and the BOD reviewed the Synod’s financial position.

BOD holds last meeting of 2022

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Directors met Nov. 18–19, 2022, in Phoenix.

BOD looks to 2023 and beyond

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Directors met Aug. 25–26 in St. Louis,

LCMS Board of Directors approves surplus budget for FY23

The budget includes total revenue of just over $82 million and total spending of $81.4 million.

‘Church in a messy world’: BOD looks back on pandemic year

The LCMS Board of Directors met Aug. 26 in St. Louis.

LCMS mission boards hold first in-person meetings in more than a year

The Board for International Mission met May 27–28, and the Board for National Mission met June 10–11. 

Board of Directors adopts $62.7 million budget for FY22

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board of Directors met in St. Louis May 20–21.

BOD advances new CUS governance model

The committee appointed by the Synod’s Board of Directors in response to 2019 Convention Res. 7–03 to conceive of a new governance model for the Concordia University System reported on its progress at the Board’s Feb. 19 meeting.

BOD covers much ground in wide-ranging meeting

The Synod’s Board of Directors met via Zoom on Nov. 19.

BIM focuses on church planting and theological education

At its Sept. 4 meeting, the board also heard about how reductions in budgeted Fiscal Year 2021 expenditures will have a significant impact on LCMS mission and ministry efforts.

BOD adopts first-quarter budget for FY21

Due to near-term COVID-related challenges, the Board in April had endorsed a proposal from the Operations Team to prepare spending forecasts through the end of the current fiscal year and abbreviated budget proposals for just the first quarter of the next.  

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Feb. 2020)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

BOD approves $81.3 million budget for Fiscal Year ‘20

Due to two major triennial events, the approved budget is $12 million higher in FY20 than in FY19, but the expenses for those events are essentially recovered through fees.

Synod’s external debt is no more: ‘A milestone achievement’

The move, which brings the Synod’s indebtedness to external entities to zero, will save $1.4 million a year in principal and interest payments.