Church leaders — and later, congregations — are receiving a poster to help spread the word about the need for supporting the mission.
Retreat ‘encourages,’ ‘renews’ missionaries in Africa
From Guinea to South Africa, missionaries sent by the LCMS to Africa leave their respective fields to enjoy spiritual refreshment and Scriptural reflection during a retreat in Kenya.
LCMS missionary Edward Strohschein dies
A memorial service is planned at the Church of All Nations in Hong Kong in early June.
Short-term missionaries needed to teach English
The Synod is seeking to place 20 short-term missionaries who can teach English as a foreign language at schools and churches overseas.
Video: Missionary Service of Sending – 2014
The February 2014 new missionary orientation culminated in a special Service of Sending Friday, Feb. 14, 2014, at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center in St. Louis. During the service, the new missionaries received certificates of completion for LCMS Missionary Orientation, and they, their spouses and families were prayed for.
Synod prepares new missionaries for service
The 16 new missionaries and their spouses will serve in nine countries including Peru, Ghana, the Dominican Republic, Togo and the United Kingdom.
Convention adopts three resolutions to increase witness work worldwide
Delegates encourage The Wittenberg Project, call for a doubling of career missionaries and mandate a new study on mission for the 21st century.
Convention recognizes missionaries
Four LCMS missionaries and the sister of a deceased missionary are honored with a standing ovation.
Delegates affirm Global Seminary Initiative, encourage unified mission work
Delegates adopt three resolutions brought before the 2013 LCMS convention by the floor committee on Witness.
Synod prepares new missionaries and spouses for service
A July 14 “sending service” ends nearly two weeks of orientation for 35 new LCMS missionaries and their families.
Ready. Set. Go! LCMS sends 38 new missionaries to the four corners
Special “sending service” for 38 new Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) missionaries being sent to the four corners of the globe.
ALMA provides big boost to small mission agencies
The Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies (ALMA) is a valuable resource for connecting and equipping independent Lutheran mission organizations, say ALMA members.
Commentary: LCMS ministry to and with Asians – then, now and ahead
A “Reporter” commentary stresses the importance of LCMS ministry to and with Asians, both in the United States and abroad.