
LCMS missionaries heed call to Africa as number nearly triples

The number of Synod missionaries in Africa now approaches 30 — up from 10 or so two years ago. But more are needed.

The mission field here at home

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission has continually asked one main question: “How can we best serve the districts of the Synod, and with them the congregations, schools and workers of the church?” That is no small task.

LCMS international mission work in the 21st century

In the 121 years since the LCMS sent its first missionaries to India, our church has been involved in international mission. Much has changed since then.

Three LCMS missionaries in PNG face deportation threats

The Papua New Guinea Minister of Foreign Affairs continues attempts to deport the Rev. Jeffrey Horn, Julie Lutz and Anton Lutz.

BIM calls 10 career missionaries

The LCMS Board for International Mission moves to help fill the 2013 Synod convention mandate to double the number of career missionaries by 2016.

COP meeting spotlights training, mercy, outreach, mission

The Sept. 20-23 meeting of the LCMS Council of Presidents involves a lot more than oversight of administrative issues.

CCM provides early release of opinion

The Commission on Constitutional Matters issues an opinion regarding the sending of LCMS missionaries.

Papua New Guinea missionary exhibit opens at CHI

The free exhibit — “Bringing Christ to the Highlands” — runs through 2015 at Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis.

McMiller installed as OIM’s director of recruitment

The Rev. Dan McMiller is installed Aug. 14 as director of recruitment for the LCMS Office of International Mission.

LCMS OKs new grants to fight Ebola in Africa

The three grants totaling $51,175 will be used to help prevent new cases of the often-fatal virus in Guinea and Liberia.

Interview with Michael Ritzman, new missionary to Papua New Guinea

Michael Ritzman talks about preparing to serve as a missionary in Papua New Guinea. He is a new missionary who just completed the 2-week new missionary orientation at the International Center in St. Louis. He will serve in this country with his wife and 5 children.

BIM calls missionaries, reviews mission work

The Board for International Mission votes to send 21 new missionaries into the field. Many were attending the Synod’s two-week orientation.

New missionaries gather for orientation

The 31 new missionaries will serve in 15 countries, including four where the Synod does not currently have a presence.

Synod, CUS, universities aim to improve international collaboration

That was the goal of the International Endeavor Conference, held May 29 with leaders from the Synod, Concordia University System (CUS) and several CUS schools.

Loving people, souls: bottom line for mission support

Church leaders — and later, congregations — are receiving a poster to help spread the word about the need for supporting the mission.

Retreat ‘encourages,’ ‘renews’ missionaries in Africa

From Guinea to South Africa, missionaries sent by the LCMS to Africa leave their respective fields to enjoy spiritual refreshment and Scriptural reflection during a retreat in Kenya.