The Lutheran Witness

August ‘Witness’: Ancient and modern heresies

The August issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses ancient heresies such as Arianism and Eutychianism as well as modern heresies such as the Prosperity Gospel or Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.

Summer ‘Lutheran Witness’ previews convention

Most important, readers will be reminded of Christ and Him crucified for the sins of the world.

Marks of the church: May ‘LW’

The seven marks of the church help identify faithful Lutheran churches around the world.

April ‘Lutheran Witness’: Three estates

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ guide and direct the entire life of the Christian.

March ‘Lutheran Witness’: Reaching the ‘Nones’

The fastest-growing religious group in the United States is those who, when asked about their religious preference, mark “none.”

God’s care for soul and mind: February ‘Witness’

The issue includes the story of the Rev. Michael Kasting’s journey navigating the fatigue and challenges of caring for his wife, Sue, after her diagnosis with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

January ‘Witness’: Life after Roe

The January issue offers a broad array of articles to help you and your congregation think about pro-life opportunities.

‘Behold the Man’: December LW

The December issue of The Lutheran Witness explores how Lutheran anthropology informs and directs our lives here and in the life to come.

November ‘LW’: A blessed existence with Christ

The November issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ will help you understand what God’s Word says about eternal life.

September ‘Witness’: 500 years of Luther’s New Testament

Luther’s translation of the Bible into the vernacular had a profound influence on the Reformation and the German language.

August ‘Witness’: The inerrancy of God’s Word

The August issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the question of seeming contradictions in the Bible.

Summer edition of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ addresses topic of war

Before beginning any discussion of war, we need to fix our eyes firmly on Jesus.

May ‘Witness’: Understanding the Ascension

Ascension Day is an oft-forgotten feast, but its restoration in the life of the congregation will serve God’s people well.

April ‘Witness’: History of the LCMS

The April issue offers a small peek into the history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

March ‘Witness’: The deadly sin of sloth

The March issue of The Lutheran Witness digs into acedia, the Greek word for sloth, as this spiritual malady has often been called.

One God, one path — February ‘Witness’

The February issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the teachings of various world religions and contrasts them with the one true faith.