Campus mission conference extends discount deadline

“Early-bird” registration for the third annual LCMS Campus Mission “Confabulation,” set for May 17-20 at the Hilton Cincinnati Airport Hotel, has been extended by two weeks to March 19.  Those who register by that date will receive a $50 discount.…

Organizers open LCMS convention to more exhibitors

Organizers of the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod are inviting companies and others offering products or services of interest to congregations, schools, and professional church workers to consider exhibiting their wares at the convention, to be held…

Hispanic mission leader Dr. Robert Gonzalez dies

Longtime LCMS Hispanic ministry leader Dr. Robert F. Gonzalez died of a heart attack March 6 while on a business trip in San Antonio. The Cuban-born Gonzalez, 61, had served since 2003 as associate pastor and mission developer at Our…

Positions Part 2 (March)

Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., seeks applications to fill the full-time position of department chair/program director for the Department of Nursing.  The nursing department includes a traditional baccalaureate program, a baccalaureate program for RNs, a master’s program with FNP and…

Pressure Points (March)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: Our congregation’s stewardship board meetings are going nowhere.  We have regular meetings, but very few creative ideas surface.  In fact, there is very little discussion in these meetings. We need to help our members think…

Items wanted, available (March)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted Theological Monthly volumes for the years 1907-1920.…

Positions Part 1 (March)

Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y., seeks applications for director of choral activities.  The director is responsible for recruiting, rehearsing, and touring with the college’s major choral ensemble, and recruiting, rehearsing, and conducting the college’s larger choral ensemble which performs major choral…

Requests for Reinstatement (March)

GLEN E. DAWURSK JR., Waukesha, Wis., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.  Correspondence regarding this application should be directed to the undersigned for receipt no later than April 5. Dr. Raymond…

LCMS missionaries escape Guinea amid violence

By Paula Schlueter Ross Six Missouri Synod missionaries and their three children evacuated Guinea, West Africa, last month in the midst of violent protests triggered by actions of the country’s president. An angry mob wielding rocks and machetes broke windows…

Worker Wellness conference offers resources

The bottom-line message from a Feb. 15-16 Worker Wellness Conference is clear, says Rev. David Muench, executive director of the LCMS Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support, which convened the event — the first of its kind Synodwide in more than…

Letters to the Editor (March)

Recruiting workers I agree with Dr. Arnold E. Kromphardt’s comments in his February letter that it is the task of pastors to recruit men to attend our seminaries.  The pastor is key for encouraging men to become seminarians. But it…

Official Notice: Nominations – 2007 Synod Convention

The following report of the Committee for Convention Nominations provides nominees for many of the officer, board, and commission positions to be filled by the 2007 convention of the Synod.  District membership or origin is also provided.  The elections will…

CTCR recommends AALC fellowship

Altar and pulpit fellowship between the LCMS and the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC) is recommended in a resolution unanimously adopted by the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations at its Feb. 14-16 meeting. The recommendation for church…

Board of Directors OKs Thrivent grant uses, more

By Joe Isenhower Jr. In preparation for setting the 2007-08 national Synod budget at its May meeting, the LCMS Board of Directors last month endorsed proposals of Synod boards, commissions, and other offices to include in their budget requests for…

LCMS World Relief responds to floods in Jakarta

By Kim Krull Survivors of deadly floods in Jakarta expressed surprise when a Christian relief organization distributed rice and other foodstuffs to needy Indonesians — not just needy Christian Indonesians. Darin Storkson, LCMS World Relief/Human Care’s regional director in Asia,…

COP joins call for more lay members on CUS boards

At its Feb. 10-13 meeting in St. Louis, the Synod’s Council of Presidents supported to a proposal that would add up to four board-appointed lay people to the boards of regents for the 10 Concordia University System colleges and universities. The…