CPH distributes 400-plus backpacks, school supplies

Undeterred by heat approaching 100 degrees, Concordia Publishing House employees handed out 433 backpacks filled with school supplies and Christian books to neighborhood children and their families during the publisher’s “Operation F.U.N. [For a United Neighborhood] — Tools for Schools”…

Open Arms offers training for child care ministry

The Open Arms Institute is offering two fall training events related to child care ministry: A conference, “Church Planting and Gospel Outreach through Child Development Ministry,” will be held Sept. 30-Oct. 2 in Bloomington, Minn.  Lodging and most sessions will…

LCMS responds to Pakistan flooding through LWR

By Linda C. Hoops As monsoon rains in Pakistan continue to cause widespread flooding that so far has killed 1,600 and affected nearly 14 million Pakistanis, LCMS World Relief and Human Care (WR-HC) is responding through its inter-Lutheran partner Lutheran…

Calif. judge permits gays to marry Aug. 18

(RNS) — Same-sex couples can begin marrying in California again on Aug. 18 after a federal judge lifted a stay on his recent ruling that struck down California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. “Based on the trial record, which establishes that…

Wanted: Mercy Medical Team volunteers for Haiti

By Kim Plummer Krull LCMS World Relief and Human Care  (WR-HC) is organizing a Mercy Medical Team (MMT) to serve in October at the first of four new medical clinics preparing to open in Haiti. The clinic is located in…

Aid group 'wants to stay' in Afghanistan despite killings

(RNS/ENInews) — The International Assistance Mission (IAM) has rejected Taliban claims that 10 staffers from the Christian aid agency who were killed in Afghanistan had been trying to convert Muslims. “Our faith motivates and inspires us, but we do not…

Closer to heaven, workers repair steeples, lives

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (RNS) — When William Thornton goes to work in the morning, all he can see is a cross lifted against the sky as he swings around the steeple of First Methodist Church 100 feet above the petty concerns…

LCMS convention news

News from the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod is still available. To read the status of resolutions, sorted by floor committee, click here. To read news stories, sorted by day, click here. To read Bible studies, view videos,…

Judge: moral, religious views don't justify gay marriage ban

(RNS) — In a decision with enormous legal, political and religious implications, a federal judge on Aug. 4 struck down California’s voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker’s watershed decision marks the first time a federal…

Sem's Lay Bible Institute to focus on citizenship

“Living as Citizens of Heaven and Citizens of America: The Role of Christians in a Democratic Society” is the topic of the fall Lay Bible Institute at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  Sessions, led by Concordia Seminary Professor Dr. Charles Arand,…

Harrison addresses election, future challenges

By James H. Heine HOUSTON — On Tuesday, July 13, Rev. Matthew C. Harrison was elected president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. On Friday, July 16, Reporter sat down with Harrison to talk about his election and his vision for the…

Int'l LLL convention attracts 'Spirit-driven' people

OMAHA, Neb. — “Spirit Driven” (2 Tim. 1:7) was the theme of the 93rd International Convention of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League (Lutheran Hour Ministries) held here July 22-25.  The theme was designed to remind attendees of the gifts necessary to…

'Horror of abortion will end,' Schroeder tells conference

GREEN BAY, Wis. — Someday the “horror of abortion will end in our country … because God is in charge and abortion grieves Him greatly,” Lutherans For Life (LFL) President Diane Schroeder told more than 200 people attending the LFL…

Installation of officers, board members set for Sept. 11

The installation of those elected at the Synod’s national convention — including the president, vice-presidents, other officers of the Synod and members of all boards and commissions — will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 11, at the…

Positions (August 2010)

The following institutions of the Concordia University System are seeking candidates for positions: Concordia College–New York, Bronxville, N.Y., seeks to fill the following positions: Special Education; Psychology; co-director of Financial Aid — Loan Processing; direct-lending loan processor (part-time). Concordia University…

Official Notice: Call for nominations — chief financial officer

The Board of Directors of the Synod herewith calls for nominations for the position of vice-president–finance/treasurer (chief financial officer) of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. The Board of Directors appoints the Synod’s chief financial officer in consultation and mutual concurrence with…