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LCMS Communications

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family — Infertility Ethics Symposium on Nov. 7, 2015

KFUO Radio host Andy Bates talked on June 23 with speakers for the upcoming Infertility Ethics Symposium, which will be hosted by LCMS Life Ministry on Saturday, Nov. 7, at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

President Harrison offers words of comfort, hope regarding South Carolina shootings

We mourn the loss of these dear Christians in South Carolina, and we pray for their loved ones. May they be consoled by “the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting” and the picture of heaven painted by St. John in Revelation of “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9).

Webinar: “Missionaries Without Passports”

Rita Nickel, Executive Director of Lutherans in Medical Mission, led a “Missionaries Without Passports” webinar on June 15, 2015. Nickel discussed how congregations can reach out to immigrants and refugees in their own neighborhood.

Parish Education – June 2015

Each church has the responsibility to offer lifelong biblical instruction to its members of all ages. Parish education is Christ-centered, biblical instruction for every person in the Church.

FAQs regarding CCM Opinion 14-2724 on Bylaw 3.8.3

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod answers frequently asked questions regarding Commission on Constitutional Matters Opinion 14-2724 regarding Bylaw 3.8.3.

KFUO Audio: His Time – Two Upcoming LCMS Youth Ministry Events

Rev. Mark Kiessling, interim director, LCMS Youth Ministry, talks about the 2015 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (July 12-15, 2015) and the 2016 National Youth Gathering (July 16-20, 2016).

KFUO Audio: His Time – Fifth National Hispanic Convention in Tampa, Fla., on July 28-31

In this interview, Dr. Leopold Sanchez talks about the upcoming Fifth National Hispanic Convention in Tampa, Fla., July 28-31. Dr. Sanchez is the director of the Center for Hispanic Studies in the Werner R.H. and Elizabeth Ringger Krause Chair for Hispanic Ministries and associate professor of Systemic Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo.

Harrison: “We speak the truth in love to all” on same-sex marriage

In just a few weeks, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legality of same-sex marriage in America and roll out the implications of that ruling for individual states. I expect the ruling to create an alleged constitutional right to same-sex marriage, contrary to God’s created orders, natural law and the inerrant Scriptures.

Download bulletin insert on Supreme Court marriage ruling

In June, the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the legality of same-sex marriage in America. Download a free bulletin insert to share with your congregation.

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family – Y4Life Campus Ministry Student Leadership Summit

Laura Davis, director of Y4Life (a ministry of Lutherans for Life), reviews the recent Y4Life Campus Ministry Student Leadership Summit (March 27-29, 2015) aimed at equipping college students to be peer leaders in life-affirming programs on their campuses. Lydia Wallace, nursing student at Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, shared her perspective on the summit as well.

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family – Teacher Appreciation Day

Mike Schiemann, principal, Forest Hills Lutheran Christian School, Cornelius, Ore.; Dr. Christopher Cody, principal, Mt. Olive Lutheran School, Milwaukee, Wis.; and Terry Schmidt, director, LCMS School Ministry, share their appreciation for teachers.

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family – Top 10 Things to Know About Freshmen Year

Pastor Jay Winters, University Lutheran Church, Tallahassee, Fla., and Florida State student, Garrett Fanskousky, discuss topics important for parents to know about freshman year in college and the importance of campus ministry.

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family – LCMS Servant Events

Jim Lohman, DCE; Rev. Craig Bertram and Shelly Carlson, Lord of the Lakes Lutheran Church, Forest Lake, Minn.; and Sue Hart, DCE, Bethesda Lutheran Communities discuss their involvement in planning, leading and serving with LCMS Servant Events.

Photo gallery: Tornado destroys Zion Lutheran in Delmont, S.D.

An EF2 tornado ripped through Delmont, S.D., mid-morning on Sunday, May 10, and destroyed Zion Lutheran Church. The twister claimed no lives but injured nine people, including at least one Zion member who was hospitalized.

So Help Me God Newsletter: July-September 2015

In this issue from LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, the ongoing need for married couples to discuss with each other where they are emotionally is discussed. An article suggesting to married couples what they can do to avoid destroying their marriage is also provided. In addition, a devotional thought to encourage readers in their faith is shared.

Prayers for Rogate Sunday

For those churches who use the historic series, and particularly churches in rural areas, this download will be a blessing for Rogate Sunday on May 10, 2015. It is an order for seeking God’s blessing on the fields from which our food comes.