ST. LOUIS — LCMS World Mission took advantage of the Synod’s 62nd Regular Convention to host several pre-convention events to mark the success of one bold initiative and the ambitious start of another. Hundreds of current and former missionaries, some…
First convention Bible study: Pilgrims with Hope-Filled Hearts
ST. LOUIS — “Have we forgotten that we are exiles?” Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs asked in a Bible study today (July 11) during the 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, here July 10–15. Addressing nearly 1,200 voting delegates…
LCMS Convention elects second through fifth vice presidents
ST. LOUIS — Delegates to the 62nd Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod elected the remainder of the praesidium (second through fifth vice presidents) in balloting this afternoon (July 11). On the second ballot, Dr. Paul L. Maier was…
Delegates affirm Mission 21st Century 'response to Great Commission'
ST. LOUIS — Delegates today (July 11) voted to affirm a resolution to expand The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s mission efforts worldwide by encouraging: • “confessional and mission-minded” outreach in a “world that continues to change”; • affirmation of…
`Singing marathon` to mark Brazil church centennial
A 36-hour “singing marathon” will take place over the July 3-4 weekend on the campus of the Lutheran University of Brazil (known by its Portuguese acronym ULBRA) in Canoas. The marathon of uninterrupted singing will be performed by Lutheran singers…
LEA honors outstanding educators
Richard “Dick” Blatt of Chicago is the recipient of the Lutheran Education Association’s (LEA) Christus Magister (Christ the Master Teacher) Award for 2004. Blatt received the award from LEA Executive Director Jonathan Laabs during a June 13 worship service at St.…
International students share experiences at training event
By Paula Schlueter Ross Even though her grandmother was Christian, Ting, 29, never heard about Jesus in her homeland of China. “She never passed the Word of Jesus to me,” said Ting, whose parents are not Christian. It was only after she came…
Seminary symposium to address homosexuality and the church
Registration is open for Concordia Seminary, St. Louis’, 15th theological symposium, Sept. 21-22, with the theme, “The Challenge of Homosexuality — The Church Responds.” The seminary has sent a brochure with a registration form and information about the symposium to all pastors,…
LCMS welcomes most new congregations in 15 years
By Paula Schlueter Ross The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod welcomed 94 new congregations in 2003 — 10 more than the previous year and the most in at least 15 years, according to Dr. Robert Scudieri, associate executive director, National Mission Team, for…
LHM launches project for Iraqi children
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) has launched a three-month project to collect health and school kits for children in Iraq. In the project, titled “Iraqi Children — Precious in His Sight,” Synod members are encouraged to assemble the kits and mail…
Pastors raise own funds to continue Ghana ministry
By Paula Schlueter Ross Why let something like a lack of funding stand in the way of a perfectly good ministry? So say two Missouri Synod pastors, who are continuing to train deaf pastors and evangelists in Ghana, West Africa, even…
Synod convention delegates are getting lots of mail
By David L. Mahsman This year’s LCMS convention will be Rev. Neil Hayen’s third in a row as a voting delegate. He says that the amount of pre-convention mail he has been getting doesn’t seem any greater than before, but it…
World Mission to mail new `Ablaze!` CD-ROM
LCMS World Mission plans to mail to congregations and other mission partners in August a new CD-ROM that includes a variety of resources designed to help them get involved in the Ablaze! effort, including a new “kit” of prayer resources. In…
LCMS World Relief helps fund pastor`s transplant
By Paula Schlueter Ross LCMS World Relief is providing $15,000 to help fund a bone-marrow transplant for a recently ordained pastor with the India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC). Rev. R. Johnson, who is in his late 20s, was diagnosed with…
Lutheran Church of France, Belgium commends Missouri Synod
Delegates to the General Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church–Synod of France and Belgium, meeting May 21-23 in Paris, adopted a resolution commending The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod for its “love and enthusiasm” for missions, particularly the ambitious Ablaze! initiative, and…
India Lutherans elect new president
Delegates to the national convention of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELC), meeting June 7 in Nagercoil, India, elected Rev. S. Rajagambeeram as president. The election marks a new beginning for the IELC, according to Dr. Herbert Hoefer, area director…