Reporter Staff

Reporter Staff

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From the mission field – A library and a church

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Official notice: Colloquies (Aug. 2019)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

LaMott appointed interim president of CSP

Former CSP President Rev. Dr. Tom Ries retired at the end of the 2018–19 academic year.

Iowa District West hosts ‘More Than Giving’ stewardship conference

Open to both pastors and laity, the event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 16–17, at Camp Okoboji in Milford, Iowa.

Position announcement: Editor, ‘The Lutheran Witness’

LCMS Communications seeks applicants for the position of managing editor.

Official notice: Biographical Synopses & Statements of Nominees (BSSN) update

Updates to the booklet containing information about nominees.

Positions (July 2019)

Positions are available at Concordia University Texas, Austin, Texas.

Official notice: Requests for reinstatement (July 2019)

A listing of those who have applied or been approved for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Official notice: Colloquies (July 2019)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Items wanted, available (July 2019)

Available this month are children’s choir robes, chancel furnishings and more.

June/July ‘Witness’ all about convention

At the heart of the issue is a “Meet the Candidates” section that includes an in-depth Q&A in which each of the candidates shares his perspective on key issues and challenges facing the LCMS.

RSO update (June 2019)

A listing of new LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs), those whose RSO status has been renewed and those whose RSO status has been removed.

Participate in the Youth Gathering from afar

If you can’t attend the Gathering, you can still follow along through these online channels.