Lutheran Friends of the Deaf, a Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, is hosting a Bible camp for both deaf and hearing children, Aug. 13–15, in Mill Neck, N.Y.
LWML sets Sept. 30 deadline for mission-grant requests
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is accepting requests through Sept. 30 for mission grants to be voted on at the 2019 LWML convention.
‘Lift High the Cross’ theme of National Disaster Response Conference
Registration is open for the 2018 LCMS National Disaster Response Conference, set for Oct. 16–18 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Register now for prison ministry conference
Registration is open for “Captive Souls … Mercy for All,” a Synodwide prison ministry conference set for Aug. 17–18 at the Hilton St. Louis Airport.
Seminary to host deaf-ministry Church Interpreter Training
The workshop is set for June 25–July 6 at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne.
KFUO’s ‘Sharathon’ set for April 19–21
This year, the Sharathon looks at Romans 10:17: “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
Registration opens for 2018 National Rural & Small Town Mission Conference
The conference will be held Nov. 8–10 in Kansas City, Mo., under the theme “Have No Fear.”
Registration opens for Multiethnic Symposium
The event — sponsored annually by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis — is set for May 1–2.
LCMS Youth Ministry offers summer Servant Events
Registration is now open for more than 40 LCMS Servant Events in the categories of construction, human care, environmental, outreach, multicultural and crisis.
Resources available for 2019 LWML convention
Available on the convention website are several free items LWML groups and congregations can use to let their members know about the convention.
Registration opens for 2018 reconciliation conference
Ambassadors of Reconciliation’s next conference is set for April 12–14 in Manchester, Mo.
Oct. 30 ‘Interdenominational Conversation’ to address tough Reformation questions
The Concordia University Chicago event will feature a panel with Cardinal Blase Cupich, left, of the Archdiocese of Chicago and Rev. Dr. Philip Ryken, right, of Wheaton College, as well as LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison.
Registration opens for Disaster Response Conference
The annual conference is set for Sept. 26-28 at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Chinese mission society announces Aug. 4-7 seminar
The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese will hold its Fourth Annual Chinese Seminar on Holy Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Seminaries offer summer workshops
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., are offering faculty-led summer workshops in various locations nationwide.
Seminary to host deaf-ministry Church Interpreter Training
The workshop — June 25 to July 3 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne — is designed to improve the skills of deaf-ministry interpreters in church settings.