
Synod to celebrate ‘Here I Stand’ Sunday in April

On April 18, the Synod will commemorate the 500th anniversary of Luther’s historic speech at the Diet of Worms by observing “Here I Stand” Sunday,

Life conference goes virtual this year

The conference, set for March 19–20, will include both live sessions and on-demand videos, as well as the opportunity to engage with speakers through question-and-answer sessions. 

LCMS Servant Events planned for 2021

After a summer interrupted by COVID-19 cancellations, LCMS Servant Event hosts are optimistically planning their events again for Summer 2021. 

National Lutheran Schools Week to reflect on challenges and growth

National Lutheran Schools Week will take place Jan. 24–30 under the theme “Sent to Serve.”

‘Take Heart’ retreats uplift, refresh pastors during COVID-19

The LCMS Office of National Mission is partnering with DOXOLOGY on a series of retreats to help pastors and the souls in their care rest in the Gospel.

Hybrid MDFL conference builds on past and moves forward

A ‘Making Disciples for Life’ conference was held in conjunction with an LCMS Minnesota South District pastors conference in October.

Plans underway for 2021 life marches

Some things look different this year, but the commitment to life hasn’t changed.

Upcoming retreats offer pastors respite from pandemic

The LCMS Office of National Mission has partnered with DOXOLOGY on the retreats, which are planned for Sept. 28–30 in Bel Aire, Kan., and Oct. 5–7 in Donaldson, Ind.

‘In All Things’: Youth Ministry announces 2022 Gathering theme

The next LCMS Youth Gathering is set for July 9–13, 2022, in Houston.

St. Louis-area Lutherans ‘March on the Arch’

The event, organized by the Coalition for Life–St. Louis, saw its largest turnout ever in 2020.

Still time to register for April ‘Making Disciples for Life’ conference

The next regional gathering of ‘Making Disciples for Life’ will take place April 17–18 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ Initial Gathering an opportunity to listen, learn, share

The Initial Gathering — the first of many such gatherings to come in other parts of the country — was held Jan. 9–11 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis

Listen to LCMS schools sing for chapel during National Lutheran Schools Week

Each day during the week of Jan. 27-31, chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis will feature guest choirs from LCMS schools. The services are broadcast live on KFUO.

LCEF looks to ‘Ignite Creativity’ in church and life

During the 2019 Lutheran Church Extension Fund Leadership Conference, speakers from a wide range of disciplines shared ideas for sparking creativity and innovation within the church, in work and in life.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ Initial Gathering set for January

The event, which will take place Jan. 9–11 at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod International Center in St. Louis, is open to all LCMS laypeople, pastors and church workers.

Lutherans to march for life in nation’s capital

The 47th Annual National March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 24, 2020.