An LCMS assessment team is preparing to visit Puerto Rico in the next few days.
International News

Winter ‘Engage’: Sharing the Gospel in unexpected places
The Winter 2020 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ is full of stories about the Gospel going forth in unexpected ways and reaching people through unexpected ministries — particularly through music.

Missing Venezuelan pastor found murdered
The Rev. Luis Coronado disappeared on Dec. 14 while taking public transportation to visit members of his congregation.

Prayerfully consider an end-of-year ‘Together as Synod’ gift
A “Together as Synod,” or undesignated, gift enhances domestic and international efforts to witness and show mercy to others, and to live life together as children of God.

From the mission field – India Evangelical Lutheran Church
In August, pastors of the India Evangelical Lutheran Church gathered at Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil, for the first Pastor’s Refresher Course in a decade.

Fall issue of ‘Engage’ ponders ‘the loving hand of God’
The issue includes stories on mission work in Tanzania and Malawi, this summer’s LCMS Youth Gathering and the ordination of pastors in Latin America.

English Bible Camp curriculum offered for parish use
The curriculum uses stories from the Book of Acts to teach about God’s gifts.

From the mission field – Men’s Bible study in Taiwan
Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Wolfram joins Office of International Mission
Mark Wolfram, who was installed on Aug. 30, will assist LCMS missionaries in making the various transitions required of their missionary service.

From the mission field – VBS in Dominican Republic
The first vacation Bible school (VBS) in recent memory at Concordia the Reformer Mercy Center and Seminary in Palmar Arriba, Dominican Republic, was held July 8–12.

‘Every One His Witness’ extends reach with new Spanish language edition
The new edition expands the program’s usefulness to Spanish-speaking congregations, pastors and laypeople in both the United States and abroad.

Travel the US with ‘Lutherans Engage the World’
The Summer 2019 issue features stories from California, Texas, Kansas and Georgia.

LWML adopts $2.1 million mission goal, elects new president
The new president, Debbie Larson, previously served as LWML North Dakota president.

BIM hears about Synod finances, challenges in Africa, cross-cultural ministry
The board met June 6–7 in St. Louis.

‘Christ is going with me’: New missionaries prepared, sent
The new missionaries, who will all serve in either Eurasia or Latin America and the Caribbean, attended a weeklong orientation at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.