LCMS missionary to Sri Lanka Rev. Steven Mahlburg reports on the terrorist attacks that occurred in the country on Easter Sunday.
International News

From the mission field – Healing in Rwanda
In March, Ambassadors of Reconciliation, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, provided reconciliation training for Rwandan pastors and laypeople affected by the 1994 genocide.

COP places candidates, thanks Mueller, affirms unity
At its most recent meeting, the LCMS Council of Presidents issued a statement regarding the handling of Synod properties in Hong Kong and the relocation of the Asia Regional Office to Chiayi City, Taiwan.

National Offering to bring ‘Joy to the World’
Congregations are encouraged to set aside Sunday, June 9, as “National Offering Sunday.”

LCMS launches new missionary website
The website provides a reservoir of resources reflecting the work of the Synod in four international regions.

Synod issues grants for cyclone relief in Mozambique and Malawi
Tropical Cyclone Idai struck the eastern coast of South Africa on March 15, killing almost 1,000 people and damaging roads, crops and buildings.

Spring ‘Engage’: Brought together in Christ
In Papua New Guinea and around the world, God brings His people together to confess Christ and bear mercy for their neighbors in His name.

BOD business includes budget, convention prep
Preparations for the Synod convention are proceeding on schedule, and three major Synodwide initiatives are newly underway or soon to be.

Crisis in Venezuela: Resting in God while hoping for change
As the country of Venezuela contends with supply shortages and unrest, the LCMS is trying to help.

From the mission field – Art in the Dominican Republic, famine relief in Malawi
News about LCMS missionary work around the world.

Know before you go — to Haiti or anywhere
Following a fresh round of violent demonstrations in Haiti, the U.S. State Department has upgraded the Travel Advisory for the country to a Level 4 — Do Not Travel.

Weber installed as managing director of International Lutheran Center in Wittenberg
The International Lutheran Center is a joint project of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany and Concordia Publishing House.

Synod seeks Asia Region associate regional business manager
Are numbers your thing? Do you want to serve the Lord internationally? Then the LCMS Office of International Mission has a position for you.

Board for International Mission turns attention to Asia
At its Jan. 31–Feb. 1 meeting in St. Louis, the board appointed seven new missionaries and continued discussions on the status of international schools and cooperative work with partner churches, districts and mission societies.

International Lutheran Center in Wittenberg continues mission of sharing the Gospel
Almost four years after its dedication in 2015, the center continues to host visitors, worshipers, students and neighbors who stop by to talk, learn and reflect.