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From the mission field – Teacher training in Hong Kong

Updates on LCMS mission work around the world.

New missionaries complete first week of orientation

The session was geared toward preparing the missionaries for the first part of their work: visiting congregations and building a network of support.

LCMS missionaries displaced by Ethiopia flooding

The seminary of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) in Addis Ababa was also severely damaged, and several people died.

‘To live is Christ’: Pohjola consecrated as bishop of Finnish Lutheran Church

The consecration took place amid persecution from the Finnish government stemming from Pohjola’s endorsement of a 2004 booklet written by Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a medical doctor and longstanding member of the Finnish parliament.

Haiti suffers 7.2 magnitude earthquake

LCMS World Relief and Human Care Disaster Response has begun to evaluate and respond to the situation.

From the mission field — Everyday miracles

The Rev. Dr. Christian Tiews, LCMS missionary to Germany, shares a story about how God is using Word and Sacrament to build up His church.

Harrison calls Japan Lutheran Church to repentance

At its 2021 convention, the Japan Lutheran Church (JLC) made two decisions that have destroyed the scriptural basis for the longstanding relationship of altar and pulpit fellowship between the LCMS and the JLC.

LWML runs the race to Lexington and beyond

The theme of the convention, held June 24–27 in Lexington, Ky., was “Running the Race; Looking to Jesus.”

Alliance missionaries called to serve

In partnership with the LCMS, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil recently called eight pastors to serve as alliance missionaries in the Africa and the Latin America and Caribbean regions.

LCMS mission boards hold first in-person meetings in more than a year

The Board for International Mission met May 27–28, and the Board for National Mission met June 10–11. 

Three-year Bible reading guide updated

The guide is a collaborative project of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Lutheran Church—Canada and the North American Lutheran Church.

Spring/Summer ‘Engage’: ‘Whenever and wherever’

The combined Spring/Summer 2021 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shows Lutherans continuing to love and serve their neighbors in new and nimble ways.

From the mission field: Project 24 finds blessing during pandemic

Project 24, which provides boarding for Kenyan children while they attend school, had to close its sites and send the children home in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Finnish bishop charged over biblical teaching on human sexuality

The charges stem from a 2004 booklet published by Luther Foundation Finland.

From the mission field – Spanish Dogmatics volumes printed

For the first time, two Spanish translations of Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics — Baptism and Christology — are available in print.

Winkelman, Grove take top posts at international schools

Two of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s three international schools will welcome new heads of school on July 1.