CPH updates sex-ed series for kids

The fifth edition of the sex-education series for children, “Learning About Sex,” is now available…

St. Louis sem to host theological symposium

“Lutheran Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium: Beyond Walther” is the title of the 19th Annual…

Registration still open for Youth Ministry's 'NATIONAL'

Registration remains open for LCMS Youth Ministry’s third National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (also known…

Aid groups seek funding for Myanmar cyclone victims

LCMS World Relief and Human Care and its Baltimore-based relief and development partner, Lutheran World…

'Acts' ministry offers outreach tips

While the phrase “random acts of kindness” is a familiar one, Jeff Van Beaver would…

CPH offers gift certificate with purchase

Concordia Publishing House is offering its customers a way to stretch their ministry dollars: Each…

'Sourcebook' offers stained-glass information on CD

Sourcebook 2008: Your Guide to Architectural Stained and Art Glass is now available free on…

Katrina church rededicates building

By Linda C. Hoops For members of Christ Lutheran Church, Chalmette, La., the rededication April…

Process under way to fill vacancy on Board of Directors

Rev. Edward Balfour of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, tendered his resignation from the LCMS Board of…

Meetings 'help build trust' between ILC, LWF

“Attitudes of mutual respect, good will, and shared hope that both bodies will have strong…

Items wanted, available (May)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Call for Nominations: assistant director, Ministry to the Armed Forces

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is seeking nominations for the position of assistant director, Ministry to…

Positions (May)

The Pacific Southwest District, Irvine, Calif., is seeking applications for the position of assistant vice…

Official Notice: from the districts

Retired or semi-retired pastor to serve small congregation in Fairfield, Texas, on a part-time basis. …

Requests for Reinstatement (May)

SCOTT KRUEGER, Ripon, Wis.; THOMAS E. NELSON, Billings, Mont.; REBECCA NIEBUHR, Georgetown, Texas; RONALD E.…

Pressure Points (May)

with Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: What are the church and seminary doing to reduce tuition…