Items wanted, available (October)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Positions (October)

The LCMS Board for Mission Services seeks to fill the following two positions in the…

Requests for Reinstatement (October)

RALPH L. WOEHRMANN, Springfield, Ill., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster…

Official Notice: LCMS salary information

THE LUTHERAN CHURCH–MISSOURI SYNOD Salary information The Synod’s policy of full financial disclosure provides for…

Board of Directors chooses officers

By Joe Isenhower Jr. The Synod’s Board of Directors elected new officers and took its…

St. Louis sem offers Lay Bible Institute

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its fall Lay Bible Institute from 7 to 9…

Conference: ‘reaching out’ through child care

The Open Arms Institute is offering a training conference on “Connecting with your Community through…

GPA adds vendors for LCMS discount

Three new vendors are now on the list of companies that provide discounts for LCMS…

Resources available for 'LWML Sunday'

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is offering a number of resources to help congregations celebrate…

Registration opens for LEA convocation

Thousands of Lutheran teachers, school administrators, directors of Christian education, directors of Christian outreach, and…

Partners plan to start 10 child care centers in Katrina area

By Paula Schlueter Ross A group of Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod partners say they will start…

New ‘coffee with a purpose’ helps people in need

Congregations can now serve a new “coffee with a purpose” that will do more than…

LCEF shares $3.3 million with Synod

Reporting record loan approvals and earnings, the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has given The…

'Future' for outreach 'is now,' Kieschnick says at installation

By Paula Schlueter Ross Today — amid a war on terror against foes “unlike any previous…

LCEF offers two-year note at 6.136 percent APY

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is now offering a two-year, fixed-rate term note at 6.136…

Kieschnick: No special convention to consider restructuring

Citing the need for sufficient time, clear communication, proper feedback, and clear consensus in the…