Campus mission conference extends discount deadline

“Early-bird” registration for the third annual LCMS Campus Mission “Confabulation,” set for May 17-20 at…

Organizers open LCMS convention to more exhibitors

Organizers of the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod are inviting companies and…

Hispanic mission leader Dr. Robert Gonzalez dies

Longtime LCMS Hispanic ministry leader Dr. Robert F. Gonzalez died of a heart attack March…

Pressure Points (March)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: Our congregation’s stewardship board meetings are going nowhere.  We have…

Items wanted, available (March)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Positions Part 1 (March)

Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y., seeks applications for director of choral activities.  The director is responsible…

Positions Part 2 (March)

Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., seeks applications to fill the full-time position of department chair/program…

Requests for Reinstatement (March)

GLEN E. DAWURSK JR., Waukesha, Wis., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Commissioned…

Board of Directors OKs Thrivent grant uses, more

By Joe Isenhower Jr. In preparation for setting the 2007-08 national Synod budget at its…

CTCR recommends AALC fellowship

Altar and pulpit fellowship between the LCMS and the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC)…

Official Notice: Nominations – 2007 Synod Convention

The following report of the Committee for Convention Nominations provides nominees for many of the…

Letters to the Editor (March)

Recruiting workers I agree with Dr. Arnold E. Kromphardt’s comments in his February letter that…

Worker Wellness conference offers resources

The bottom-line message from a Feb. 15-16 Worker Wellness Conference is clear, says Rev. David…

Fiscal conference aims to bolster national, district budgets

By Roland Lovstad In the wake of offerings that aren’t keeping pace with costs, an…

LCMS missionaries escape Guinea amid violence

By Paula Schlueter Ross Six Missouri Synod missionaries and their three children evacuated Guinea, West…

LCMS mercy arm joins White House malaria roundtable

LCMS World Relief/Human Care already battles the number-one killer of children in Africa.  Recently, the…