My October column advocating an extended period of seasoning before a person assumes a leadership…
November Letters
The way of escape In my role as facilitator of the 2007 LCMS National Youth…
Items wanted, available
Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. …
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The colleges, universities and seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod admit students of any race,…
Requests for Reinstatement
RANDALL L. MOLL, Stuttgart, Kan., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster…
New `Leaders Notes` help teach stewardship principles
Rev. John Schauer answered his own question when he preached the first of eight monthly…
Responding to weary after Wilma`s wallop
By Kim Krull Florida’s eighth hurricane in the past 15 months transformed one LCMS church…
Wanted: Online teachers
Orange Lutheran High School Online (OLO) is seeking credentialed and experienced Lutheran high-school teachers who…
`Headcount` at Synod colleges hits new record
By Paula Schlueter Ross Total enrollment at the Synod’s 10 Concordia University System (CUS) schools continues…
LCMS World Relief accepting funds for quake, flood relief
LCMS World Relief/Human Care is accepting donations toward emergency relief for the millions affected by…
Members help churches clean up from Katrina, Rita
By Joe Isenhower Jr. The 10 or so Synod churches and schools most affected by Hurricane…
The College of Liberal Arts and Science at Concordia University at Austin, Austin, Texas, seeks…
High school finds benefits in offering classes online
By Paula Schlueter Ross It hasn’t bought more land or built more classrooms, but Lutheran High…
Sem plans relief trip; invites laypeople to come
After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, 20 volunteers from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne,…
`Lutherhostels` offer opportunities for learning, say participants
Bill and Diana Sornborger of Los Angeles are planning to attend their eighth or ninth…
St. Louis seminary chorus announces Advent tour
The Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Chorus will perform choral music for the season of Advent…