As residents return home, pastors provide care in Harvey’s wake

Residents in hard-hit areas need basic supplies like food and water and help with cleanup, “but most of all, they need to hear that God is with them.”

Lutherans helping neighbors in Katy, Texas

Members of Memorial Lutheran Church go door to door, reaching out “to help anyone who has needs.”

Video: The Care of Souls: Luther’s Driving Focus

Teaching starts at home, where Luther was surrounded by his family as he worked at the family table.

‘Journal of Lutheran Mission’ considers Reformation’s impact

The August issue includes essays from the Sixth World Seminaries Conference.

LCMS Disaster Response assessment team heads to Texas

Their goal is to share the Gospel while helping in whatever way possible.

Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis offers matching funds for Harvey relief

Lutheran congregations in the St. Louis area now have the opportunity to double their donations for Hurricane Harvey relief, thanks to a matching fund from the Foundation.

Houston-area LCMS churches, pastors, members report flood damages

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is working alongside the Texas District to provide physical and spiritual care and comfort to all victims.

Simek to serve as Synod’s new chief administrative officer

Frank Simek of Keller, Texas, is appointed by the LCMS Board of Directors as the Synod’s new chief administrative officer, effective Oct. 2.

Reporter Supplement: Preach the Word program assists LCMS pastors in preaching

A Supplement to the Reporter highlights the Preach the Word program, which is designed to assist the pastors of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as they proclaim the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ to their congregations and communities.

Reporter Supplement: PALS makes a difference

The September 2017 Supplement to the Reporter illustrates how the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education responds to the stated need and mandate for faithful and excellent pastors.

LCMS unveils new webpage on racism

The Synod reiterates its condemnation of racism and asks its members to combat it in the Church and in society. The new page — — features materials for prayer and study.

Aug. 23 webinar: ‘Faith on the Field: The Vocation of an Athlete’

A recording of the LCMS Youth Ministry webinar with Rev. Bob Hiller is now available.

New book on Law/Gospel distinction features 13 essays

“The Necessary Distinction: A Continuing Conversation on Law & Gospel” features essays by authors from the LCMS, North American Lutheran Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Concordia Seminary offers free Bible study tied to solar eclipse

“The Great American Eclipse and Our Creaturely Sense of Wonder” was written by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, professor Rev. Dr. Charles P. Arand.

Luther film to air on PBS Sept. 12

Congregations still may arrange screenings of “Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World” at local theaters.

CHI exhibit features books, coins from Luther’s time

An exhibit at Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis features rare books and coins from the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation.