The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw, director of LCMS Church Relations, discusses convention resolutions on international church fellowship.

2023 LCMS convention — Focus on universities
Members of Floor Committee 7 discuss the Concordia University System governance proposal.

2023 LCMS convention — Focus on seminaries
The Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Egger, president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and the Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr., president of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, discuss why we need seminaries and how seminaries form pastors.

2023 LCMS convention — A conversation with LWML President Eden Keefe
Meet Eden Keefe, newly elected president of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League.

2023 LCMS convention — Focus on church fellowship
A panel of leaders representing the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations and the LCMS Office of International Mission discusses church fellowship and alliance missionaries.

2023 LCMS convention — A conversation with Rev. Peter Bender
Convention catechist Rev. Peter Bender discusses Luther’s Small Catechism and explains why catechism study is a daily feature of this year’s convention.

2023 LCMS convention — Focus on demystifying the convention
LCMS Secretary Rev. Dr. John W. Sias discusses why we have a convention and how it works.

Learn about church work programs at LCMS universities
Set Apart to Serve has prepared webpages with information about how the church is meeting the need for church workers through its educational institutions.

Chapel Talks: Connecting students to Christ
The 2023–2024 edition of Chapel Talks for Lutheran Schools is now available.

Learn more about our Concordia universities
In preparation for the upcoming Synod convention, a new webpage provides relevant information in one place.

New evangelism module addresses witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses
‘Every One His Witness’ is The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod resource for equipping Lutherans to share the Gospel with the people they encounter in their everyday lives.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ theme of new ‘Chapel Talks’
The 2022–2023 edition of ‘Chapel Talks’ is available as a free, downloadable PDF or a for-purchase paperback.

Summer KFUO series highlights ‘Set Apart to Serve’ initiative
The series will air on KFUO’s “The Coffee Hour” on Fridays during June, July and August.

Every One His Witness expands online access
Every One His Witness (E1HW) is now available at no cost to anyone who registers at the E1HW website.

Podcast offers ‘5 minutes with a missionary’
The program offers a new way for people in the LCMS to get to know the Synod’s international missionaries.

Photo essay: A photographer’s look back at 2021
LCMS Managing Photojournalist Erik M. Lunsford shares some of 2021’s definitive moments.