An overview of the most recent meetings of the LCMS Council of Presidents, Board for National Mission and Board for International Mission.
Board for International Mission
Boards and Business: National, International Mission
Both the National and International Mission boards met in St. Louis in October.
Boards and Business: International, National Mission
Reports on recent meetings of the Synod’s Boards for International and National Mission.
BIM appoints missionaries for service
Two career missionaries will be based in the Gambia and Belize, and seven “GEO” missionaries will serve for up to two years in Eurasia, Asia and Latin America.
New BIM members learn scope of international work
“I give thanks to God that I’m able to be a part of it,” said new LCMS Board for International Mission member Rev. Roberto Rojas at the board’s first meeting of the new triennium.
Kumm reminds BOD of its ‘true purpose’ at triennium’s first meeting
Meeting Sept. 8-9 in St. Louis, the Synod’s Board of Directors welcomes three new members, elects its leaders, adopts six resolutions and hears reports.
LCMS board elections continued, completed
Convention delegates complete elections of remaining ordained, commissioned and lay nominees to LCMS boards.
BIM extends missionary calls, appointments
The LCMS Board for International Mission meets for the last time this triennium.
Hartwig announces regionally-nominated candidates for boards
A list of the candidates nominated by congregations from their regions for the LCMS Board of Directors and the Boards for National and International Mission.
Official Notice: 2016 Regional Board Member Candidates (March 2016)
A listing of candidates for regional LCMS Board of Directors, Board for National Mission and Board for International Mission positions.
BIM calls missionaries, explores significance of Christianity in Africa
The LCMS Board for International Mission calls six rostered church workers and appoints a layperson for service in Eurasia, East Africa and Latin America.
BIM calls missionaries, connects with international schools
The LCMS Board for International Mission continues its work of calling missionaries and monitoring that they are well cared for during their service.
Board adds missionaries, focuses on their care
The LCMS Board for International Mission continues successful recruitment efforts toward doubling the number of LCMS career missionaries on the field to 136 by 2016.
BIM: More than halfway to doubling missionaries amid mission ‘renaissance’
The Board for International Mission examines successes and challenges as the number of career missionaries grows.
CCM provides early release of opinion
The Commission on Constitutional Matters issues an opinion regarding the sending of LCMS missionaries.