
BOD adopts $80.6M budget for FY25

The budget reflects an anticipated $78.6M in total revenue and net asset releases, $2.01M in board-designated releases, and a surplus of $51,000.

LCMS Board of Directors approves surplus budget for FY23

The budget includes total revenue of just over $82 million and total spending of $81.4 million.

BOD covers much ground in wide-ranging meeting

The Synod’s Board of Directors met via Zoom on Nov. 19.

BOD adopts $59.6M budget for FY21

A cautious approach to expenditures in FY21 reflects major economic uncertainties in the current forecasting environment, not the least of which has been the impact of COVID-19.

BOD adopts first-quarter budget for FY21

Due to near-term COVID-related challenges, the Board in April had endorsed a proposal from the Operations Team to prepare spending forecasts through the end of the current fiscal year and abbreviated budget proposals for just the first quarter of the next.  

Synod BOD apprised of tough philanthropic climate

The BOD also heard updates on international mission, church-worker recruitment and the Synod’s ‘Making Disciples for Life’ initiative.

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Feb. 2020)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

BOD business includes budget, convention prep

Preparations for the Synod convention are proceeding on schedule, and three major Synodwide initiatives are newly underway or soon to be.

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Jan. 2019)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

BOD adopts conservative budget for fiscal year 2019

Meeting in St. Louis May 18–19, the LCMS Board of Directors adopted a fiscal year 2019 operations budget of $69.4 million, a figure nearly $8 million lower than that of the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

‘Boards and Business’ — LCMS Board of Directors

Actions at the Board’s May 19-20 meeting in St. Louis include adoption of a prudent, lean Synod budget, contingent on further expense reductions.

Board adopts balanced $96 million-plus Synod budget

The LCMS Board of Directors hears that unit executives trimmed requests by some $8 million to balance the proposed 2016-17 Synod budget.

Board adopts $81.8 million Synod budget

Synod Chief Financial Officer Jerald C. Wulf tells the LCMS Board of Directors that the 2016 budget “balances expected revenues against anticipated expenses.”

Board approves $81.7 million-plus operating budget

The Synod Board of Directors adopts a balanced national-Synod operating budget (or “spending plan”) of $81,762,189 for the 2013-14 fiscal year that begins July 1.