
Convention delegates reaffirm chaplains’ right to free exercise of conscience

Also adopted July 12 by delegates to the 66th Regular LCMS convention in Milwaukee was a resolution in support of the Synod’s three international schools.

Convention addresses licensed lay deacons in public ministry

Delegates adopt Resolution 13-02A “To Regularize Status of Licensed Lay Deacons Involved in Word and Sacrament Ministry.”

Convention adopts four resolutions related to ecclesiastical supervision, dispute resolution

One of the resolutions — approved by 99.62 percent of delegates — encourages congregations to issue calls to returning missionaries and military chaplains.

2016 LCMS Convention Photos: Tuesday, July 12

Photos from Tuesday, July 12, at The 66th Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Milwaukee.

Delegates approve Lutheran Identity Statement for Concordia University System

Delegates adopt three resolutions offered by Floor Committee 7 on Monday, July 11, during the LCMS Convention in Milwaukee.

LCMS recognizes relationships with six church bodies

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recognizes fellowship with six partner churches on four continents.

Hartwig retiring; Sias elected new secretary of Synod

The Rev. Dr. John Wollenburg Sias succeeds the 18-year incumbent, the Rev. Dr. Raymond L. Hartwig, as secretary of the Synod.

Convention removes attendance restriction on voting for Synod president

Delegates vote to remove district-convention attendance as a prerequisite for voting for Synod president.

Anderson addresses convention on religious liberty, traditional marriage

In light of current adversity against religious liberty, Dr. Ryan Anderson encourages convention-goers “to live out the truth in our own lives.”

Convention speaks on religious liberty, faith and science

The 66th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopts two resolutions designed to assist the church in defending the faith.

Delegates vote to uphold scriptural, confessional qualifications for pastors

Delegates to the 66th Regular Convention of the LCMS to adopt Resolution 6-02: “To uphold the scriptural and confessional qualifications for the Office of the Holy Ministry.”

Convention debates ecclesiastical supervision resolution, takes no action

Delegates discuss Resolution 12-01A — the top resolution presented by Floor Committee 12 on Ecclesiastical Supervision and Dispute Resolution — but run out of time before they can vote on its adoption.

Gray reminds delegates to ‘repent and confess our need for the Christ’

The Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray reminds delegates that “God loves you. And He cares about you.”

Convention recognizes military chaplains, missionaries

The 2016 LCMS convention applauds the ministry of military chaplains and celebrates nearly doubling the number of LCMS career missionaries in the past three years.

Daily worship unites convention delegates around God’s Word

Months of planning for convention worship involve many worship leaders and musicians.

2016 LCMS Convention Photos: Monday, July 11

Photos from Monday, July 11, at The 66th Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in Milwaukee.